Part 16: Bird of Sadism

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The next day's shift consists of Skywarp, Thundercracker, Splicer, and Laserbeak. Not much has happened until unsurprisingly Thundercracker gets bored.

Thunder: "I'm getting bored."

Skywarp: "That's a new record Thundercracker. It's only been five minutes since you last complained."

Thunder: "Can you blame me? This bites."

Splicer: "Cheer up Thundercracker, this is fun!"

Thunder: "Of course you would like it."

Splicer: "Everything is wonderful."

Thunder: "Whatever you say kid."

Skywarp: "There's nothing wrong with a positive outlook on life. You could learn something from the boy."

Thunder: "Doubt it, and what's birdbrain even doing here anyway?"

Laserbeak looks at Thundercracker with a frightening glare. Meanwhile Starscream walks in with Brimstone and his friends.

Scream: "I tried to stop him, but you know "persuasive" he can get."

Brim: "I threatened to eat his innards, works every time."

Dropkick: "Can you hurry this up? I have things to do."

Blast: "No you don't."

Dropkick: "You're right, but I wish I did so I wouldn't have to be here."

Brim: "I'll do my best. (walking to Carly) Hello again child, did you miss me?"

Carly: "Like I miss acne."

Brim: "Cute, when all this hostage nonsense is over I will enjoy killing you over the course of the next week. I will peel each strip of your flesh off one by one in the most enjoyable way I know how. I won't be merciful to you, your suffering will be beyond your comprehension, and I will savor every moment like it was my last."

Scream: "It will be your last if you kill her before the due date."

Brim: "It would be worth it in my eyes."

Dropkick: "Then you would only ever get one."

Brim: (having a moment of clarity) "That's right. Why stop at one when I could have ten...or one hundred.... or ALL of them."

Scream: "Psycho."

Brim: "Reject, anyway we will meet again little girl, you can count on that."

The trio leave as Starscream gives a quick update to the quartet.

Scream: "Just to let you know Soundwave will be here to do some maintenance soon."

Thunder: "Hear that Skywarp? Mr. Personality will be paying us a visit."

Skywarp: (dryly) "Please be decent for the time being."

Thunder: "Can't make any promises."

Scream: "Good luck on your endeavours."

Now the Decepticons are alone again and only have each other for entertainment.

Thunder: "Well then, I'm ghost."

Skywarp: "Not happening, Megatron's orders."

Thunder: "Forget him."

Splicer: (astonished) "Why would you say that about him?"

Thunder: "You may find this surprising, but Starscream is right about him, he is a selfish fool!"

Splicer: "No he isn't!"

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