Part 31: Aftermath

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We cut back to about half an hour ago when Splicer drove off to escape the city. He drives up a hill when he hears people talking from inside a pickup truck.

?: "Are you sure about this? I don't see you with any protection."

Splicer: (shouting) "Here you go, but I doubt it's going to work for you!"

He throws the burnt and destroyed box into the window of the truck and angrily speeds off. A human guy peeks out the window before going back in.

Man: "I totally told you robots could do it."

Now we cut forward to 20 minutes before the battle ended. Skywarp is busy working on his computer until Terradive comes in.

"Hey Skywarp."

"Yes Terradive?"

"Has Fearswoop come back yet?"

"You mean you didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Fearswoop got killed."

(eyes popping open) "....What?"

(dryly) "Yes he died, people die it's nothing we can stop. Oh well let's move on to something really important. Do you think that creating a formula for synthetic Energon would be a good idea?"

"I need to step outside to think for a moment."

"Yes yes of course. I completely understand why you need to. Science can be a troublesome mistress that can sometimes turn out to be a mister, and well it can get awkward at times. Hopefully you can give me a sufficient answer so I can figure out whether or not to waste time on this endeavor."


Now we cut forward to ten minutes before the end of the battle. We see tons of rubble and a crashed jet. Underneath the rubble we see fingers that go to a hand, and we now go to the owner of the hand's point of view. It's pitch black until we see a screen that says "primary systems coming back online". The hand form a fist and we see Starscream bursting out of the rubble, panting and horribly damaged. He feels different as he scans his surroundings. Off in the very far distance he can see Optimus and the Autobots fighting Megatron and Soundwave. It gets to the point where the explosion happens and the two decide to escape. Forming a plan, Starscream scans the outline of the human jet to give himself a brief camouflage for himself. He flies up and finally accomplishes his lifelong goal.

Now we cut to the present, where the Autobots are still trying to comprehend everything that just happened.

Jazz: "So... now what?"

Tyrone: "I don't know about you guys, but it's high time for a nap."

Ace: "Typical of you to call naptime after a big battle."

Tyrone: "Typical you to start judging my life's decisions."

Weazel (over comm link) "Ok I need to know if we won or if we're doomed."

Ace: "Only thing you got to worry about anymore is whether or not a girl will even look at you."

Weazel: "Real funny."

The other Autobots begin to quietly talk amongst themselves as they try to settle back in.

Side: "Are you ok Bumblebee?"

Bee: "I will be, but that hole in my chest is definitely a pain."

Longarm: "We did it Optimus."

Prime: "But at a great cost."

Ironhide: "Prowl fought bravely, and he died like a warrior and hero."

Longarm: "Speaking of which I need to get my beam back."

Longarm calls back his beam, which returns to him like Thor's hammer, and sticks itself back inside the gun.

Cliff: "I never get tired of seeing that."

Prime: "Where is Wheeljack?"

The rubble near Longarm begins to move until Wheeljack violently emerges from it. He his panting heavily and begins to panic and starts digging at the pile next to him.

Longarm: "What are you doing?"

Wheel: (harshly) "Don't just stand there Chip is under these rocks!"

Everyone runs over to lend a hand as they finally unearth Chip from all the rubble. Wheeljack picks him up and sees him not moving.

Wheel: (pleading) "Please wake up, you weren't supposed to even be here, this is all my fault!"

Optimus comes over to comfort Wheeljack when Chip starts to breath and moan.

Wheel: "You're alive!"

Wheeljack puts him down gently, and to his horror sees Chip fall instantly to the ground.

Wheel: "What's wrong?"

Chip: "I can't... feel my legs."

The horror sinks in everyone's mind as they hear these harsh words. At this moment a black SUV comes over and out emerges a man in government clothing and approaches everyone. He has a very posed and collected expression on his face as he walks toward the gang.

?: "Looks like I got here in the nick of time."

Ace: "And who are you exactly?"

?: "Ill be the one calling the shots from now on."

Tyrone: "Man ain't nobody gonna tell me how I'm going to live!"

?: "You have to listen to me, I'm on your side."

Prime: "If I may boldly speak, who are you?"

?: "Oh where are my manners? My name is William Fowler, but in my agency it's special agent William Fowler to you."

Prime: "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance special agent Fowler, but what did you mean by we had to listen to you?"

Fowler: "Well you see we've been struggling as country, with this economy and poor foreign policy, and to top it all off we have aliens being real and they are having a full fledged war right on our doorstep. Congress is furious and they want me to have results, or they declare war on you guys."

Jazz: "But we just saved them!"

Fowler: "Tell that to the President, war isn't his forte, and we decided that perhaps it is a good idea to align with your groups."

Prime: "We want to do nothing more than to protect your planet from the Decepticons."

Fowler: "Then I'm sure we will get along just fine then. In exchange for your service we will provide you with a personal army and citizenship in addition to that."

Prime: "Very well agent Fowler, we accept your terms."

Fowler: "Excellent."

Longarm: "Are you sure about this Optimus?"

Prime: "To gain the human's trust we must live by their terms."

Longarm: "Very well I trust your judgement."

Prime: "With Prowl gone this makes you the second in command now."

Longarm: (amazed) "Wow... I can't believe that it's true."

Meanwhile unknown to everyone else, there are some different soldiers examining other parts of the aftermath and picking things up, and one in particular goes to the area where Brimstone was killed. He walks around the rubble until he trips on something and falls flat on his face. The surprised human looks around until a glimmer catches his eye. He gets closer and see that it's Brimstone's head crystal. The soldier picks it up and delivers it to one of the same three men from the dam. As the begin to leave you see them drive off with other notable things like Vehicon parts, Fearswoop's arm, and Dropkick's entire body, and like that they disappear to parts unknown.

Back at the Autobot's perspective, they are still understanding the changes until Ironhide brings up an important point.

Ironhide: "What about Ratchet? Should we check on him?"

Jazz: "Oh yeah, I wonder what he'll think about having to listen to humans."

The Autobots go over and find Ratchet, and he is crying intensely. Optimus goes over to see what is troubling the good doctor.

Prime: "What is it Ratchet?"

Ratchet: (crying at full blast) "I'm sorry Optimus, but I couldn't save him from his injuries! It's too late for him I did everything I could!"

Prime: "How much longer does he have?"

Ratchet: (sniffing) "He could go at any given moment."

Prime: (comforting) "Beachcomber, how are you feeling?"

Beach: (smiling weakly) "My time is up man, I just got to go."

Bee: (emotional) "Beachcomber no!"

Side: "You can't die!"

Beach: "Don't worry about me little bros, I'll be safe."

Cliff: "It's going to be alright buddy, just take a deep breath."

Prime: "The one who did this to you is no longer online."

Ratchet: (bewildered) "Really?"

Prime: "Yes, and now this war will be over soon."

Beach: "The man is finally dead... nice."

Prime: "You fought bravely Beachcomber, you've been a model soldier and friend to us all."

Beach: "I know, and I'll miss you all man. Optimus stay strong, and as for the rest of you, you should try some Energon shrooms some time. It's quite the rush. Peace...."

With that Beachcomber goes limp and dies, and everyone has a moment of heartbreak and misery until Optimus breaks the silence.

Prime: "Megatron has claimed his last life."

Then suddenly they all begin to hear a noise, and it's the sound of an engine coming toward them. They turn around and see the mystery motorcycle driving toward them with Spike and Carly. The two leave the bike and get filled in on what's happened. Optimus then approaches the bike to ask it some questions.

Prime: "So you are the one who saved the children?"

?: "Yes I was."

Prime: "We are grateful for your assistance, but who are you?"

?: "I guess I should at least show myself."

The biker's helmet slides back to reveal a tiny robot face peering out at them, and then the biker splits into two human sized robots, which catch everyone off guard. The bike then begins to transform as the seat of the bike lifts up and splits into feet, and the rest of the second half extends to form legs. The front of the bike makes a 180 degree turn to form a chest, and the sides open up to create arms. The black and red tiny robot jumps onto the top of the chest where something is emerging. The tiny robot then stands on it's head and plugs itself into whatever was emerging, and the legs become like antlers as a pair of eyes emerge from the chest. The purple and black robot goes inside a compartment in the bike's chest. Everyone is in complete shock from what they have witnessed.

Jazz: "Whoa he's got Mini-cons!"

Ratchet: "I thought they were extinct."

?: "They are the last two in existence. I found them on an abandoned foundry about to be smelted."

Prime: "What is your name?"

?: "I'm a bit of a drifter, but you can call me... Sideways."

Side: "Dude, awesome name!"

Bee: "I'm Bumblebee, and that's Sideswipe."

Sideways: (shaking everyone's hand) "It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

Prime: "What brings you to Earth Sideways?"

Sideways: "Upon escaping Cybertron in my escape pod I received a ping from Teletran-1. I'm sure many others have recieved it as well."

Prime: "So there may be more of us arriving?"

Sideways: "That is a distinct possibility."

Cliffjumper steps him and begins to lay out his suspicions.

Cliff: "Now hold on just a minute, why exactly should we trust you? We know nothing about you."

Sideways: "Then ask away."

Cliff: "Alright then, if you received a ping from Teletran-1, then why didn't you contact us immediately when you arrived?"

Sideways: "My communicator was damaged when I landed so I couldn't contact anyone. I've spent the last few days roaming around this planet wandering aimlessly."

Cliff: "A likely story."

Sideways: "I have it with me if you don't believe me."

Cliff: "Then give it here."

Sideways hands Cliffjumper a damaged communicator, and he examines it briefly.

Cliff: "You could have just damaged this yourself."

Spike: "Why are you being like this? He saved our lives!"

Cliff: "A common tactic from Decepticon spies, doing a good deed in order to gain our trust, it's happened more times than I can count."

Sideways: "I assure you I'm just a guy dedicated to resolving this war."

Longarm: "Hey Cliffjumper, hand me that communicator."

Cliff: "Alright then."

Longarm: (observing) "Hmm I see. If you notice these burn marks around the edges it matches that of a high velocity landing. He checks out guys, he's telling the truth."

Cliff: "We do need at least one more test, and I need your help Wheeljack."

Wheel: "What do you need?"

Cliff: "Contact Teletran-1 and look up Sideways in the database."

Wheeljack activates a small handheld device and it communicates with Teletran-1, and after some scrolling it shows off a holographic face of Sideways, confirming his story. It also gives a brief background of him and where he served in the war.

Ironhide: "Impressive, you were in the great battle of Kaon."

Wheel: "Hmm, you almost joined the Wreckers, what made you change your mind?"

Sideways: (embarrassed) "They were a bit too... excessive for my tastes."

Wheel: "That's the same reason I left, I'm just glad you didn't have to go through that."

Longarm: "It says you applied for foreign relations with the Seacons."

Sideways: "Yes I applied to be a courier to help bring a better relationship between them and the rest of Cybertron. But as you know the Seacons aren't the most reasonable creatures in the universe."

Side: "You should see their king."

Ratchet: "You joined the Autobots rather late in the game, why stay neutral for so long?"

Sideways: "It takes a long time to make a commitment like that, and better late than never right?"

Prime: "I have one last question for you if I may boldly ask: Why have your Minicon hide your face?"

Sideways: "Oh his name is Rook, and as for the other guy Crosswise, well I don't need him yet. Well you see... (lowering his head sadly) I had a real face once, but the scars of war took it away from me, and now I can't even look at myself anymore without feeling the shame. I'm hideous now, and I hate to see what I am."

Prime: "You are among friends, we do not judge one another on appearance."

Cliff: "Yeah I used to think Wheeljack was really ugly, and then I thought he was ok looking. (gets decked by Wheeljack) Ow! What was that for?"

Sideways: (taking a deep breath) "Very well then, just this once I shall show you my true face."

Sideways takes off his helmet to reveal his true face. It is a purple and yellow face with nothing but a simple blue visor to act as eyes. Everyone is in amazement on the unique individual that has joined them.

Bee: -sniff- "That is so sad!"

Sideways: "I use Crosswise and Rook to give me a better face so I can emote better, it makes me feel somewhat normal."

Prime: "I see. (holding out his hand) Welcome to the Autobots Sideways."

Sideways: (shaking his hand) "It is an honor to fight alongside you Optimus."

Side: "Can we go now? All this destroyed city and dead people really kills the mood."

Prime: "Alright then, Autobots, transform and roll out!"

The Autobots all transform and go back to base while Wheeljack takes Chip to the hospital. Back at the Decepticon headquarters, the mood is unsettling as Terradive is pacing back and forth trying to come to terms with reality. Skywarp is conversing with Thundercracker until they find out the big news about Megatron. The room falls silent as everyone tries to comprehend the loss of their leader. The terribly damaged Soundwave puts his head down and closes his eyes in grief. Splicer's lip begins to quiver as he starts bursting into tears and runs into a nearby room. Thundercracker sadistically laughs at everything that has happened.

Thunder: (mocking) "Oh what a big baby!"

Skywarp: "You are by far the worst living thing in the universe."

Thunder: (smiling) "I appreciate that."

Skywarp: "How could you be so cruel to the poor boy? He lost someone he loved."

Thunder: (leaning back against the wall) "And yet I don't care, the kid needs to learn life isn't sunshine and Lipoles."

Terra: "There is another way besides cruelty."

Thunder: (scoffing) "Coming from the guy who publicly executes his own people for looking at him funny."

Terra: (coldly) "And I would do the same to you if I had the chance."

Thunder: "Get a grip fish man, you are just all worked up because your boyfriend couldn't take the heat."

Terradive screams and stabs Thundercracker in the chest and knocks him to the ground, and continually stabs him in the chest more and more, and then we close in on Terradive's face, who is looking back at Thundercracker running his mouth. It was nothing more than his imagination playing with our expectations, but he does speak up to counter Thundercracker's arrogance.

Terra: "I did have a wife once you know, and I slowly stabbed her down her throat with my trident for saying much less to me. So be very careful where you tread. And as for Splicer, be easy on him. We have all lost our innocence in some form or another, but he still has it. So let's help him keep it for as long as we can."

Terradive walks away leaving the two seekers alone again.

Skywarp: "With your behavior you are going to have a short lifespan, Thundercracker."

Thunder: "Is that a threat?"

Skywarp: "No it's just a good prediction, I'm rarely wrong about these occurrences."

Thunder: "Yeah sure, if death decides to knock at my door then I'll throw him an Energon tea party."

Skywarp: -sigh- "I wish I could work, but Soundwave destroyed my lab."

Soundwave turns around and snarls at the scientist while he eyes seem to burn into his soul.

Skywarp: -gulp- "But I can of course fix that up no problem!"

As the two converse Splicer is in a nearby room crying louder than he ever has in his life. He begins to beat his fists on the wall harder and harder until he yells and runs his blades through the wall, and Thundercracker just happened to be at the other side of the wall as the three blades stab him in the rear, and Thundercracker scheme in agonizing pain. Running around clutching his bottom while screaming and swearing toward Payload.

Splicer: (sincerely) "Sorry Thundercracker!"

Thunder: "Get out of my way Payload!"

Payload movies out of the way, but sticks his leg out, causing Thundercracker to trip and fall down the stairs. He goes bouncing down like a bunny as Payload dusts his hands triumphantly. As he turns around to go back Skywarp teleports right in front of him.

Payload: "What are you doing Skywarp?"

Skywarp pushes Payload down the stairs, and he goes bouncing down too until he falls on Thundercracker, and Skywarp on a rare occurrence actually laughs at the scene. Terradive briefly returns to ask Skywarp about his strange behavior.

Terra: "And what exactly was that Skywarp?"

Skywarp: "I just saved everyone from a cosmic imbalance. You see Payload is the key to balance in the universe. If he feels even the slightest amount of self esteem and good hope, the entire universe will begin to fall apart before our very eyes. In order to keep everything in check, he must be miserable at all times."

Terra: "Either you are telling the truth or you are as sick and twisted as the rest of us."

Skywarp: "Definitely the latter, but not to the degree as the rest of you."

Splicer is sitting on the top of another flight of stairs when suddenly Waspinator comes and sits with him. The mutated Decepticon puts his arm around the young boy's body to give him a hug, something that catches him off guard.

Splicer: "What are you doing Waspinator?"

Wasp: "Helping you."

Splicer: -sniff- "Really?"

Wasp: "Yes Waspinator come to comfort Splice bot in his time of need."

Splicer: "Well that's very nice of you Waspinator."

Wasp: "Splice bot should understand that death is inevitable. Everyone dies, and they don't come back...except for Waspinator. Death is inescapable to everyone... except Waspinator. Waspinator can't grow old or get permanently killed. Waspinator must always come back and die again. Waspinator just can't stay dead, he can't rest in peace, just explode into a million pieces! (exploding into tears) Why does universe screw Waspinator up his stinger? Why must Waspinator be universe's chew toy? Maybe Waspinator has a higher calling... or maybe Waspinator cursed with endless death!"

Splicer hugs Waspinator, and realizes that his troubles are nothing compared to the poor bug's eternal struggle. At this moment Starscream returns to base to announce the new chain of command.

Scream: (bellowing) "Fellow Decepticons, Megatron has fallen, and now I shall take his place as the rightful leader!"

Nobody speaks as silence echoes the room, and somebody coughs to break the silence.

Scream: (irritated) "Are you not overjoyed by this news?"

Wasp: "No."

Scream: (furious) "Argh! I am your leader now and I demand your respect."

Soundwave: "Then let us duel for leadership then."

Scream: "You are in no condition to battle Soundwave."

Soundwave: "And you never are."

Scream: (boldly) "Then come at me with everything you got you mindless brute."

Soundwave charges at Starscream, and he launches one of his missiles at him, he tries to use his tractor beams life before, but comes to a shocking revelation. after the explosion his beam were damaged, and can no longer use them until they are repaired. With that said, he takes a missile straight to the chest, and is critically wounded. Soundwave tries to recover, but Starscream flies over and puts his heel on his neck.

Scream: (sadistically) "You can die as pitifully as Megatron, or you can live, but you have to say those words, you know those ones you made me say when we first arrived here."

Soundwave: (begrudgingly) "I... yield."

Scream: (patting his face) "Good boy, now who is my second in command?"

Splicer: "That would be me."

Scream: "Excellent. Now pick up this mess."

Splicer: "Yes Starscream."

Scream: (shouting) "It is LORD STARSCREAM to you!"

Splicer: "Whatever, want to help out Waspinator?"

Wasp: "Might as well."

Splicer and Waspinator drag Soundwave to the operating table while the others have a moment to have the fact that there is going to be some major changes in their lives sink in. Back at the Witwicky household, Spike and Ron come back in the evening and to their surprise find Judy making some dinner for them.

Spike: "Mom?"

Ron: "They let you out?"

Judy: (smiling) "Sure did, I was an eager beaver to get home."

Ron: "Well that's nice. But are you sure you are ok?"

Judy: "Of course, now how about a hug Ron?"

Ron: "Alright then."

The two hug, but all of a sudden a huge knife drops from behind her back. Ron of course is surprised and annoyed.

Judy (defensive) "This isn't what it looks like!"

Ron: "Seriously? You were going to kill me!"

Judy: "No no of course not, just stab you in the leg so you can feel some of my discomfort that's all!"

Ron: "This is why we took you to the crazy house in the first place, you are out of control!"

Judy: (calmly) "Now Ron sweety, I'm in complete control, I just missed my family!"

Judy rushes into Ron's arms crying, and Spike comes in to join the family reunion. The stress of a mother being separated from her family sinks into the two male's minds as they feel grief for their actions.

Spike: (teary) "We're sorry mom!"

Ron: "Yeah, now how about you make some dinner?"

Judy: "Already on it."

Spike is completely put off by how quickly his mother changed and how easily his father manipulates her.

Ron: "You see son this is the first rule about women. Never let them own you, you got to let them know you are in charge. That way they won't try to stab you in the leg."

The three have dinner together and Spike catches Ron and Judy up about everything that happened in the big battle. A few hours later Spike decides to go to bed, and a few hours later something strange happens. He begins to toss and turn while grunting, as if something was on him. He begins to sweat profusely and breath deeply until he wakes up suddenly. He looks around the room and begins to calm down, he says to himself about how weird that was, but then something happened.

?: "Oh how sweet, you made the bed nice and cozy for us."

Shivers get sent down Spike's spine as he slowly turns his head to the right, and to his horror he sees Brimstone laying in his bed with him, with one hand on his head while he continues to speak.

Brim: (frighteningly smoothing) "Now we will never be apart again."

Spike wakes up from his terrible nightmare, and takes a few deep breaths after realizing it was a dream. He decides to go back to sleep while the camera pans over slightly to his shadow. All of a sudden the shadow begins to elongate to the wall, slowly turning into the shape of Brimstone....

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