Part 2: Meet the Humans

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 The wormhole opens up in a strange planet full of rocks and mountains. The ship crashes into what appears to be a large volcano. The debris covers the entire ship. The crash damages everyone inside which knocks them into stasis. For the next 65 million years they become lost in time in a strange and unfamiliar land. A place roamed by dinosaurs is wiped out from a meteor that impacts with the planet's surface. Millions of years later a new young species controls the planet. A young and promising race known only as... humans.

We now focus on a house with a human boy named Spike, a 16 year old highschool student ready to start another day. His dad Ron and quirky mother Judy are helping him leave for school.

Judy: "Come on sweetie you're going to be late."

Ron: "Move it skinny lips or else you get the belt again."

Spike: (sleepy) "Ugh I'm coming guys."

Ron: "This is a new record Spike, keep it up."

Spike: "Whatever."

Judy: "I got you a banana and some canned spinach for lunch today."

Spike: (baffled) "Canned spinach? This isn't Popeye mom."

Judy: "Well how else am I going to get some muscles on those little sticks you call arms?"

Ron: "Your mom's right son, you need to hit the gym."

Spike: (frustrated) "Gym, are you serious? Tell me Chip is outside so I can just go to school already."

Ron: (smiling) " Ah, the human prodigy and this family's hero."

Spike: (groaning) "Ugh, here you go again worshipping Chip again."

Ron: "Well if it wasn't for Chip, we would be one of those food stampers the news keeps talking about."

Spike: "I don't see why we always have to treat him like a celebrity."

Ron "We had a huge problem with our new giant oil rig,but we had no idea what it was. Chip eavesdropped on our conversation and told me over the phone that it was a problem with a Sparkplug. He let me pass it off as my own findings and I got a hefty raise and the nickname "Sparkplug" because of it. All the kid ever asked for in return was 20 bucks out of each paycheck. I do make 1800 dollars an hour, so it doesn't hurt to let the kid have a little gratitude for his help."

At this point Chip appears at the driveway in his car and honks the horn.

Spike: "Speak of the devil."

Judy: "Have a good day honey, play nice and don't talk to strangers!"

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