Part 32: A New Start

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The next day Bumblebee drops Spike off at school while Wheeljack drops off Chip while helping him settle in. He is no in a wheelchair, and Wheeljack gives him a very serious look and makes an interesting statement to him.

Wheel: "I promise one day I will make you walk again."

Chip: "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Wheel: "I'm a bot of my word, it will just take time. Anyway I got to go back, I'll see you later."

Wheeljack transforms and drives off as Spike comes over to talk to Chip.

Spike: "How are you feeling buddy?"

Chip: "Well for a guy who can never walk again I'm doing just fine."

Spike: "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

Chip: "It wasn't your fault, I wanted to look danger in the face and I paid the price."

Spike: "I guess this is a new start for us then."

Chip: "Yep, wait is that who I think it is?"

Spike looks over and to their surprise find Carly at the entrance waving with a very bright grin on her face. The two come over to see what the deal is.

Spike: "What are you doing here? And why are you wearing high heels?"

Carly: "You mean you didn't get my text?"

Spike: "I don't have your number."

Carly: "Oh, well the good new is I'm going to your school now!"

Spike: "What?"

Chip: "How?"

Carly: "Well being the daughter of a very rich and powerful figure in the city who owns a arcade and is a mob... I mean legitimate businessman certainly helps."

Spike: "But why?"

Carly: "Because of this."

Carly steps over the Spike and kisses him on the lips, and of course he and Chip are shocked more than the electric fence.

Spike: (stuttering) "Buh buh why'd you do that?"

Carly: (rolling her eyes) "Isn't it obvious? I like you now!"

Spike: "Really?"

Chip: "Seriously?"

Carly: "Look I know I've been really shallow in the past, but this whole experience changed me. You changed me. I see now that life is too short to be the way I was, and now I know where I want to be, and that's with you."

Spike: "But why me? You could get any guy you want."

Carly: "Yes I could, but I learned that that just makes me feel empty inside. I know you would think I would go to one of those stupid jocks, and maybe a few weeks ago I would have. But they don't have what you have, I'm breaking the norm."

Spike: "What do I have?"

Carly: "A heart, and a brain too. I don't think I've ever had a guy who had at least either of those!"

Spike: "Well ok then I guess I better show you inside."

Chip: (under his breath) "Lucky."

The three enter the hallway, and are almost immediately greeted by Vince. He spots Carly and takes immediate interest in her.

Vince: "Hey baby, how about I show you what a real man is?"

Carly: "I'll go for the alternative."

Carly outstretches her leg and uses her stiletto to kick Vince right where the sun doesn't shine. He crumples to the floor groaning as Carly takes Spike hand walks off. Chip wheels over to deliver even more bad news.

Chip: -sigh- "Looks like you're going to fail Pre-Algebra again Vince."

Vince: "Awww man."

Back on Cybertron, everything is silent. The lair of Shockwave sits peacefully as not a peep is heard anywhere. Then so very suddenly music begins to play. We now go inside as we transition to a first person perspective of someone beginning to slowly open their eyes. As the person becomes more aware of his surroundings he recognizes the music. It is Beethoven's 5th, and this person is the doctor. He soon realizes he is strapped to an operating table as Shockwave comes in to greet his subject.

"Where am I?

"You have taken refuge in my base of operations, and this is operating room. Though many others who have been here have called it a different name."

-gulp- "Others?"

"Yes of course."

"What did they call it?"


"Maybe I can help arm you with knowledge, you seem to be the intellectual type."

"Very perceptive indeed. Knowledge is power, but I know already that your intelligence is far below my own, and listening to you would be illogical."

"How did you know about my choice in music?"

"Starscream told me it's what you like, it's fitting considering what will soon befall you."

(afraid) "And what would that be?"

"You will see for yourself, but unfortunately I can not partake in this, I have my own projects to attend to, but instead you will have the pleasure of being introduced to my brother."

As Shockwave leaves as Shockblast enters, and he begins to search for tools, and the doctor begins to panic.

(going crazy) "What are you doing? What's that in your hand? Stop please!"

Shockblast completely ignores his pleas for mercy as takes out a tri-bladed drill. He turns it on and it begins to spin around as he aims it for his face. The music reaches its climax as it goes dark and we hear his screams and some disgusting fleshy noises as we now go to the Decepticon base. Splicer is busy working with Waspinator to save Soundwave's life, and Soundwave is put into a situation that will change things forever.

Splicer: "Thanks for your help Waspinator, but I can take it from here."

Wasp: "Ok."

Splicer: "Look Soundwave, I know you may not like the sound of this, but you will to mass shift down a bit in order to save your life. I know you won't be as powerful as you once were, but think about what Megatron would want for you."

Soundwave: -sigh- "Very well."

Starscream summons the other Decepticons as he holds an introductory speech now the he has forcefully taken charge of them.

Scream: (being Starscream) "My fellow Decepticons, since our former leader's... unfortunate departure, I have taken the liberty of assuming command. I know this new change may be a bit difficult to take in right now, but I assure you that this is all for the best. Seeing that Soundwave is no condition to say otherwise, you will just have to accept reality. All hail lord Starscream.

Nobody speaks as Waspinator makes cricket sounds with his wings.

Scream: (furious) "Gah! You were all supposed to say it after me!"

Payload, Waspinator,the twins, Thundercracker, and Skywarp all exchange worried looks with one another, and Terradive leaves to go into another room. Everyone else slowly begins to speak the words Starscream has been dying to hear for millions of years.

All: (quietly) "All hail lord Starscream."

Scream: "Louder."

All: "All hail Starscream."

Scream: "Scream my name!"

All (screaming) "All hail Starscream!"

They all begin to chant this, and Starscream begins to laugh maniacally as he feels on top of the world. Terradive however is in a much more difficult boat. He is standing all alone in this empty room, and like the room he is indeed empty inside. He sets his trident against the wall as he slowly puts his hands on his face and drags them down to try to clear his head. he takes a deep breath and sits in the corner and just blankly stares at the wall trying to find some sort of solace. He looks over and grabs his trident and taps on it once with his finger. Then after a while he does it again, and again, and slowly begins to increase his rate of tapping. Soon his hand is uncontrollably tapping his trident, and slowly he begins to take deep breaths. The breathing becomes more rapid and increases volume until we go to outside the room. It's quiet for about a minute, but then it picks up as blue lights begin to flash as we see blasts everywhere as he mercilessly shoots the walls and room into a war zone. Cutting to outside the tower where it's raining, he blasts the door open as the rain begins to pour harder in response to his emotions. He is panting as he runs out and clutches the rails and goes out along the walkway and looks up at the storm clouds. The raindrops substitute for tears as he lowers his head and tightens his grip on his trident. He screams at the top of his lungs as he sends a continuous stream of his trident into the clouds, beginning to influence the weather. The clouds swirl around until blue lightning begins to strike angrily around him. A storm of anger, revenge, and loss has transformed into a typhoon of rage from an angry king, and nobody is safe.

He continues screaming as we go inside his mouth and transitions from outside Bumblebee's mouth as Ratchet is doing a cavity search on him.

Ratchet: (playfully) "Well your mouth is free of cavities Bumblebee, but your breath sure smells."

Bee: (laughing) "You seem awfully happy Ratchet, this is a nice change of pace."

Ratchet: (smiling) "Well things have changed my friend, and you will see soon enough."

Sideways: (walking in) "What's up doc?"

Ratchet: "Oh the usual having to take care of the younger boys, I wish I was spry like them."

Sideways: "We all want what we can't have. I wish I had some oil to bath in right now."

We pan over to see all of the human allies, including Judy and Ron inside the ark as they are all talking amongst themselves and the Autobots. Longarm walks by and Ron goes over to see what's up.

Ron: "You made it out alive, that's always nice."

Longarm: "Yeah I guess."

Ron: "What's got you worked up?"

Longarm: "I finally did it, I killed Dropkick. For so long I've let that run my life,and now with him gone I feel like I have no purpose. What am I supposed to do now?"

Ron: "You live Longarm, you live."

Longarm: "Easier said than done."

Spike and Carly walk by Ironhide, who seems very giddy at the moment.

Ironhide: "Did you do it Carly?"

Carly: "You bet I did."

Ironhide: "Good, he deserved it."

Spike: "What's he talking about?"

Carly: "Chip told us you had a bullying problem, and Ironhide wanted to violently threatened him with his guns. I decided to do it in a more personal way."

Ironhide: "And I would have done it too if she hadn't told me too!"

Ratchet: "Can I have everyone's attention for a moment?"

Prime: "You certainly can Ratchet."

Ratchet: "I've been fighting this war for so long, and I've seen so many friends give their lives for this cause. I have also said some things that have been rather harsh, and I would like to apologize for my actions and words against the humans. They did nothing to deserve my hatred, and I'm sorry for what I said to you Optimus, it wasn't right of me. You, Longarm, and even Beachcomber have taught me that life is too short. I now know that I was wrong, can you ever forgive me?"

Prime: (sincerely) "You need not apologize Ratchet, one of the many reasons I have you here is because of your honesty. If for whatever reason I do lose my way, you will be there to put me back on track."

Fowler: "Well ain't that yankee doodle dandy, I need you over here for a minute Optimus."

Prime: "Very well agent Fowler, what may I do for you?"

Fowler: "I was discussing our plans for the future with Ace and the gang and I thought you would like you to know that my men have taken Megatron's body for research. Strange enough we couldn't find the body of this Dropkick that you speak of."

Prime: "Most interesting indeed."

Fowler: "That's not all, these were taken yesterday."

Fowler lays out some photos, and they are of Starscream flying into the air.

Ace: "That's impossible."

Tyrone: "Didn't somebody blow him out of the sky?"

Fowler: "Apparently you didn't finish the job."

Prime: "It looks like this war will take slightly longer to end than I anticipated, but no matter. We will end this war once and for all for the sake of your world and the entire universe."

Weazel: "So what now?"

Fowler: "Well Mr. Jenkins, you get a bigger budget for your toys from now on, so make good use of it."

Weazel: "Goody."

Chip wheels over to Wheeljack and Jazz, and Wheeljack has a surprising announcement to make.

Wheel: "I've decided to quit doing fighting from now on?"

Chip: (surprised) "But why?"

Wheel: "I'm an inventor first and foremost, and fighting reminds me of my days as a Wrecker, and I want to put that life behind me. Besides I'm older than you think, and i think I can be more useful behind the scenes."

Jazz: "But we will be down a man then."

Wheel: "You have Sideways now, and besides look at the big picture. Megatron is dead and there is absolutely no way that he could ever come back, ever."

Jazz: (irked) "Cliff, Wheeljack said something about Megatron being impossible to come back again!"

Cliffjumper angrily tackles Wheeljack while Bumblebee and Sideswipe cheer him on.

Bee: "Yeah Cliff!"

Side: "Keep up the hurt buddy!"

Meanwhile apparently either Wheeljack's words reached the Decepticon's base, or Soundwave opens his eyes in a glimpse of brilliance. Either way, he gets up while still not being completely fixed up from his injuries.

"What are you doing Soundwave? I still need to work on you!"

"I have to check for something, and don't follow me."

"Err ok."

Soundwave limps over to an elevator in the base, and he punches in the very bottom floor. The elevator travels down to the bottom floor, and it is a completely dark corridor. He goes to the end of it and types in numbers on a safe. It opens open, and all we see is the intense glare of Soundwave's face as a purple glow lights up the area of the safe.

Sideswipe accidentally bumps into something, and a cabinet inside The Ark opens up, revealing a very surprising object. The next day a memorial is held for the four fallen Autobots. Hotshot, Hubcap, Prowl, and Beachcomber is given a touching speech while the three Autobots who made it to Earth are put into special caskets.

Prime: "On the battlefield they were dedicated warriors and soldiers, but outside the battlefield they were friends, family, and mentors to us all. They made the ultimate sacrifice to end this war and make sure that we could keep fighting. And I am done with all this fighting. This war will end soon, and with Megatron gone we are one step closer to achieving our goal. Starscream will have to face the truth that his reign will be short lived. And I also salute any other Autobot out there who has either gave or is giving their life for our cause right now, till all are one."

Everyone applauds as Sideways comes over to Bumblebee and Sideswipe.

Sideways: "I may not have known these guys, but they sounded like they were good men."

Bee: "They really were."

Sideswipe reveals the item as he places it near Prowl's casket. It is an unopened box of Energon-O's and he leaves it as a gift for him. He tearfully comes back over to the two Autobots to continue the conversation.

Side: "Well at least we got you now Sideways."

Sideways: "You really mean that?"

Bee: "Yeah we're all friends and family here."

Sideways: (touched) "I've been separated from my friends and family for a long time, and it feels so good to have one again."

The three hold out their hands as they form a strong friendship together. Judy and Ron go over to congratulate their son on becoming a man while also getting to know Carly better, but while this goes on Fowler and Longarm go over to Optimus for some last minute news.

Fowler:" "I almost forgot to show you this photo. This isn't as dire as everything else, but I thought you should see it anyway."

Prime: "What is this?"

Fowler: "Stonehenge, a mystery of our planet. I normally wouldn't try to get you interested in our history, but there is something you need to see."

Prime: "Where is it?"

Fowler: "You see those symbols? Some tourist accidentally knocked something over and revealed them hidden inside the rocks. Those markings look a lot like yours."

Optimus carefully examines the photos and shivers begin to run down his spine. He immediately recognizes it as he hands it back to Fowler.

Prime: (in shock) "This... is a marking from one of the thirteen"

Longarm: "It is?"

Fowler: "Who or what exactly is the thirteen?"

Prime: "I will explain it to you another time agent Fowler, but for now I want to relax."

Fowler: "Understood."

Longarm and Optimus are now alone as Longarm brings up some last minute concerns for the future.

"Optimus, I've been thinking about the new guy. He seems nice enough, but I feel like he's hiding something."

"Indeed he is Longarm."

(taken aback) "...You know?"

"I looked into his optics and saw his life story. I can assure you he is not evil in any form, but whatever his true purpose is good or bad, he feels like he has no choice but to pursue it."

"You are a great judge of character Optimus, and I trust you on that. The other thing was about Megatron. Do you really think he was telling the truth about not having a part in Soundwave's race?"

"Yes I do. Megatron lies, but not even he could beat Soundwave's polygraph. Whoever did it, be it Autobot or Decepticon, is still out there. I can feel it."

"So where do we go from here?"

"We end this war once and for all."

"Sounds good to me."

Longarm leaves as Optimus gives a narration to finish this story.

"My name is Optimus Prime, and I send this message to whomever may be listening right now. The plague of war has brought us much pain, but now we have found a new hope in the form of Earth and its inhabitants. It is paramount in the future that we defend this planet from any threat from the Decepticons. To any Autobot who receives this message, we are still alive, and to any Decepticon, surrender of face the consequences. May the future be brighter, and may peace finally be established."

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