Part 7: The Human Factor

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Optimus tries to defuse the situation as tensions between both sides increase.

Ace: "None of you are going to be making it out alive after what you and your friends did to our base."

Wheel: "What are you talking about?"

Weazel: "Everyone but the three of us survived the attack on our base from your flying friends."

Cliff: (sarcastically) "I didn't know we were so popular."

Beach: "Don't shoot me bro."

Ace: "You guys aren't wanted here, so we're going to give you a one way trip back."

Tyrone: "Let's not forget about the oil rig."

Spike: "Are you kidding? They saved our lives."

Prowl: "We saved your peoples' sorry asses from death, you should be thanking us."

Ace: "I'll thank you when I blast that grin off your face."

Prowl: "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Ace: (cocking gun) "And why's that?"

Prowl: (cocking gun) "Because I don't miss, especially when your head is that big."

The whole military aims their weapons when Ironhide takes out his huge guns.

Ironhide: "Shoot at me and I'll make a mess that will take a century to clean up."

Beach (trying to calm everyone down) "Whoa man make peace not war."

Tyrone (to Ace) "Is that guy for real?"

Prime: "I assure you all that we come in peace, we can prove ourselves innocent. I assure you we want to help you in anyway you can. "

Spike: "Yeah you can trust Optimus prime, he's the most honest guy I know."

Tyrone: "It's your call Ace."

Ace: "Alright, let's see if you guys are telling the truth."

Tyrone: "Are you serious man?

Ace: "Yes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Tyrone: (to Alan) "That dude's totally hammered if he thinks this is a good idea.

Weazel: "Relax Ace knows what he's doing."

The military is then fully introduced to the Autobots and their human friends, and take a tour of The Ark. Everyone except for Ratchet is thrilled about their new guests.

Ratchet: "You see Ironhide, these things just keep multiplying. You should have blasted them when you had the chance."

Ironhide: "It's not what Optimus would want."

Ratchet: "I can't believe this."

Tyrone: "I hate having to team up with these robo freaks."

Jazz: "We aren't that bad man."

Tyrone: "Who the hell are you?"

Jazz: "The name's Jazz."

Tyrone: "My favorite genre of music, I like it."

Jazz: "Want a tour of this place done in style?"

Tyrone: "You're speaking my language, let's do it!"

Ace: "So Optimus, how are we going to take down the Decepticons."

Prime: "We are going to go in alone and fight them in a place that hopefully doesn't contain civilization."

Ace: "Alone? This is our planet, it isn't your place to tell us who's going to fight."

Prime: "With all due respect, I can not feel anything but guilt if even a single one of your race is lost because of our war."

Ace: "It's war Optimus, people die. We've gotten used to war like you guys."

Prime: (sadly) "Maybe, but the cost sometimes can be too great to handle. However I won't stop you from from joining in, just be careful."

Cliff: "Has anyone seen Prowl, Beachcomber, and Longarm?"

Side: "They were just here a minute ago."

Spike: "Me and Bumblebee will look for them."

Cliff: "Just make sure they aren't reporting to Megatron."

Bee: "We won't. "

Wheeljack activates the ground bridge to their last known location. The two go in to try to locate their missing friends, and it isn't a long search.

Bee: "Where do you think they could have gone?"

Spike: "I don't know, but maybe we can.... whoa!"

Spike directs Bumblebee's attention to left where we Prowl in his vehicle form, and 20 cars all lined up the street.

Spike: "Prowl... what are you doing?"

Prowl: "Establishing order."

Bee: "What did all these people do?"

Prowl: "The very front was a carjacker, the next 18 were littering, and that old lady down at the end was speeding one hundredth of a mile faster than the speed limit."

Spike: "You can't do this, this is illegal."

The three then notice Beachcomber being towed away by Longarm.

Spike "You too Longarm?!"

Longarm: "Alright trouble maker, it's back to the base for you."

Beach: "The man is everywhere man!"

Bee: "Look we got to get going, I heard Cliffjumper and Wheeljack are going to go to a mountain because they detected three Decepticons there or something."

Prowl: "Very well then, let's go."

Before leaving, Spike is greeted by a familiar face."

Carly: "Spike, is that you?"

Spike: "Carly? What are you doing here?"

Carly: "I was walking around when I heard all the commotion. I also wanted to apologize for the other day, that wasn't cool."

Spike: "It's ok."

Carly: "Hey, if you aren't doing anything maybe I could come with you guys?"

Spike: "Sure why not!"

Prowl: "Oh boy another one."

The group returns to base and are greeted by the Autobots. They are all fascinated by the presence of another human female.

Side: (still in vehicle form) "Hey there, I'm Sideswipe."

Carly: "Hey Sideswipe, I love your vehicle choice."

Side: "Thanks, want to go for a ride?"

Carly: "I'd love to!"

Ace: (walking in) "Who invited the little girl?"

Carly: (angry) "Little girl? Excuse me?"

Ace: "Look, this isn't the right place for-"

Carly: "Screw you!" (kicks in the nuts)

Ace: (in severe pain) "Jesus!" (crumples to the floor)

Carly: "Who's the little girl now huh?"

Jazz and Tyrone: "Dayam!"

Carly asserted her dominance walks away from the humiliated Ace and leaves with Sideswipe. Alan tries to make friendly conversation with Ratchet, but gets brushed off. Ron then goes over to talk to his son about the new face.

Ron: "Son, I know what you are thinking."

Spike: "What are you talking about?"

Ron: "Ratchet said your pheromone levels suggest that you wanted to mate with that girl, or something like that."

Spike: (embarrassed) "No No No you got it all wrong."

Ron: "The way you looked at her is the way I used to look at your mother."

Spike: (disgusted) "Eww, don't make me have to think about mom like that."

Ron: "Look, if you're going to do what I think you're going to do, you need help. Take these, it will save you from a heap of trouble."

Spike: "Rhinox Protection.. the safest charge you will ever have. (embarrassed) Gee, thanks dad."

We now wind the clocks back to the beginning of this par, but now switch our focus to the Decepticons. The submersible opens to reveal Dr. Archiville as the driver. The common Decepticon greeting is either shooting or maiming the hideous creature before them, and they all have their guns aimed at him in anticipation.

Dr: "Don't shoot, I can help you!"

Scream: "And how would something as small and weak as you be helpful in the slightest?"

Frenzy: "Look who's calling who weak Starscream."

Scream: "Shut up Frenzy!"

Rumble: "Good one Frenzy."

Dr: "Excuse me, I wish to speak with whomever is in charge of this establishment."

Megatron: (walking in) "I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons."

Dr: "I am Emile Archiville, but you can call me Dr. Archiville."

Megatron: "Alright then doctor, what brings you here?"

Dr: "I know that your purpose here is most sinister, and if you can't beat them join them."

Megatron: "And what could you have that we need? We are an advanced civilization with the ability to transform."

Dr: "I have technology and information about the planet that may interest you."

Megatron: "I severely doubt that."

Dr: "I assure you that you will want to see this."

Megatron: "Alright, what is it?"

Dr: "These pictures here are of locations all over the world. They all have markings similar to yours. I always knew we weren't alone in the universe, and now I have proof that we do."

Megatron: "Soundwave, scan these pictures."

Soundwave scans the pictures and projects them on the big screen. Sure enough the pictures have strange markings that match their own. Megatron then points to one of the pictures to ask a question."

Megatron: "What is this place?"

Dr: "That's Bear Mountain, it has been giving off some weird energy signals lately, it may be something of yours.

Megatron: "And these?"

Dr: "Some people think a UFO crashed in the Demon Swamp somewhere, but they could never find proof. Over here is Stonehenge, these markings were uncovered recently, and it almost appears to have a hidden tomb somewhere. Finally the Eye of Africa, we uncovered a doorway with massive claw marks everywhere."

Megatron: "Fascinating, I will go to this Bear Mountain shorty. Just one question Dr, what are you wanting out of this alliance?"

Dr: "I do want to be spared for starters, and I also want a front row seat of your conquest."

Megatron: "What made you turn on your race?"

Dr: "I was fired from my job as a professor, they didn't believe my theories on extraterrestrial life. The young mind is the future, and we are being forced to not tell them the truth. Instead all we get is a generation of anti social kids who spend all day on their technology. It's time they learned a lesson."

Megatron: "Very well then Dr. Archiville, welcome to the Decepticons."

Dr: "You won't regret it sir."

After hearing this, the other Decepticons discuss the shocking agreement between the human and Decepticon alliance.

Scream: "Why would Megatron even bother to align himself with a pitiful life form?"

Frenzy: "It's called strategy Starscream, I know that isn't your forte, but Megatron knows what he's doing."

Rumble: "What should we do about him when Megatron's done with him?"

Thunder: "I want to slice him up with my chainsaw."

Rumble: "I want to pummel him with my piledrivers."

Frenzy: "I want to see Ravage and Laserbeak play with him like a chew toy."

Terra: "I wouldn't mind doing an old-school form of execution with an Energon guillotine."

Wasp: "Waspinator want to disembowel him"

Payload: "We should step on him!"

Thunder: "That plan is as stupid as you are Payload."

Frenzy: "Yeah eat my exhaust pipe Payload!"

Payload: "You guys are so mean!"

Scream: "You should have joined the Autobots then."

Fear: "I have a brilliant idea of what we should do."

Terra: (sarcastically) " I wonder what that could be. I'll take a guess."

Both at the same time: "We should burn him."

Fear: -gasp- "How did you know I was going to say that?"

Terra: "It was obvious."

Fear: "No it wasn't."

Terra: "Believe me it was, I can read you like a book."

Fear: "Oh yeah? Then tell me my favorite insect, legendary bird on this planet, and my favorite past time."

Terra: "Firefly, phoenix, and setting Autobots ablaze."

Fear: (amazed) "Are you reading my mind? You must be psychotic."

Terra: "You mean psychic."

Fear: "No."

Terra: "I can't read minds, I know this because all you ever do is talk about fire."

Fear: "I do not!"

Terra: "Yes you do."

Fear: "No, but you talk about water all the time!"

Terra: "When? When have I ever done that?"

Fear: "You are always like water this water that, water you waiting for?"

Terra: "You are insane, can't you see-"

Fear: "See?! You just said sea!"

Terra: "No friend, there is another kind of sea that you don't know about."

Fear: "Liar! You said it again!"

Terra: "Ok this is going nowhere."

Skywarp briefly speaks to Megatron about the alliance before he leaves on his mission.

"Are you sure about this Megatron?"

"Do I ever joke about something this serious?

"No, but I scanned the schematics of his flying hover drone. If we improve the design and make them in massive hordes, in a year we could potentially have complete control over Cybertron."

"Excellent Skywarp."

"One question though, what are we going to do when he is no longer useful to us?"

"You can do whatever kind of experiment you wish on him."

"Your cruelty knows no boundaries Megatron, and that's why I love being here. I haven't used my black hole gun for some time. Maybe I can send a small one out near him and watch him go inside out."

"Great suggestion (now addressing all Decepticons) I will be leaving for a short time to explore one of these locations. I require Laserbeak's assistance for this mission along with someone else. Any volunteers?"

An eager voice from the back of the crowd answers.

?: "Me pick me pleaseeeeeee!"

Megatron: "Ah perfect, I was hoping you would volunteer Splicer."

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