Part 17: Game Changer

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Today is the day before the final battle begins, and the Autobots are still unaware of Ravage's activities since yesterday. The Micron finishes its work and crawls back over to Ravage awaiting further order. Ravage makes scraping noises with his claws in a form of morse code. The Micron understands the message and takes out tiny chainsaws and begins to make small incisions on the bars of the cage. Little by little it makes more cuts along each bar, but Prowl notices the situation and takes out his pistol to exterminate the Micron. Prowl leans down to talk to Ravage.

Prowl: "Bet you thought you were smart didn't you? Better luck next time."

Ravage puts his ears down like he's depressed and hides what looks like a smile beneath his paws. Wheejack brings the whole team outside to show them the new weapons he created to help in their efforts.

Prime: "So what do you have for us Wheeljack?"

Wheel: "I'll start with our human ally's tools. I modified some of your handguns to carry laser shots. All you do is point the laser and shoot for 100% accuracy. I also have some sticky bombs that explode in a chain of three. Each explosion goes into a more critical part of the enemy's circuits until they're nothing but spare parts. For Ironhide I made him a more powerful version of your Heavy Iron, where it fires shots like a tank instead of a machine gun. I'd like to see Megatron walk away from that. As for Cliffjumper I got a giant gatling gun that doubles as a hammer."

Cliff: "Thanks Wheeljack, now I can really bring the pain."

Wheel: "I also have a staff for Jazz, I'm sure you'll like it."

Jazz: "Pretty sweet design too!"

Wheel: "Last and certainly not least I have these patches. These will detect a Decepticon's life signature. If we put one on each we will know who is still alive and who dies. If it goes off it means they are down for the count. I didn't make one for Waspinator because he refuses to stay dead. So I think we can really win this guys, and this can go by smoothly if we stick to the plan."

Prime: "You've done us all a great service Wheeljack, I don't know what we would do without you."

Wheel: (happy) "Thanks Optimus, it's been an honor to be your inventor."

Bee: "Group hug!"

The Autobots group hug, but are missing a key member.

Longarm: "Where is Beachcomber?"

Cliff: "He said he was getting something called pot."

Prowl: (irked) "And you just let him go?"

Cliff: "I didn't know it was going to be bad."

Side: "I think I found him guys."

Sure enough Beachcomber is in a corner of the base listening to Bob Marley and having giant bong in his arm.

Prowl: "This really has to stop."

Beach: "I can taste colors."

Prowl: "I'm sure you do."

Beach: "Everything is so surreal dude, I can like totally see an elephant with cookies behind you."

Prowl: -facepalm- "You need rehabilitation."

Beach: "What I need is weed."

Prowl drags Beachcomber out the corner and gives him to Ratchet to get the substance out of his system. Meanwhile our military friends are discussing their future battle.

Ace: "So I guess it all ends tomorrow."

Weazel: "I don't think we can take them."

Ace: "Why so negative Alan?"

Weazel: "We saw first hand what the Decepticons did to us, and we never saw the Autobots in action. One of them died trying to save the girl."

Ace: "He was the oldest though."

Tyrone: "But wasn't he the dude that trained Optimus?"

Ace: "Huh... you're right about that."

Weazel: "Let's face it, we're done for."

Ace: "I don't want to have to think that just yet."

Weazel: "He's going to be there you know."

Ace: "Who?"

Weazel: "Thundercracker."

Ace: "Then this time I'm going to beat him."

Tyrone: "Man are you kidding? He's a crazy alien super pilot who took you to preschool."

Ace: "I've got it under control."

Tyrone: "No you don't. You are so arrogant that you never see the obvious. You aren't invincible like you always thought. Your ego is going to get your ass killed, and I won't have a friend to mooch off of."

Ace: "You and your priorities still make me laugh. I have a plan this time, and I won't ever underestimate anyone ever again."

Weazel: "I hope you're right, because I can feel this isn't going to be easy."

Ace: "It never is."

Prime: "Ace, do you have the item that I had requested?"

Ace: "It will be here first thing in the morning."

Prime: "Excellent, we will discuss the full plan tomorrow."

Ace: "Sounds good."

Optimus pulls Longarm, Sideswipe, Chip, Ron, Spike and Bumblebee over for a private conversation.

Prime: "I have a very grave feeling about all this."

Longarm: "Me too."

Ron: "Why do you say that Optimus?"

Prime: "All these attacks are random with no logic behind them."

Longarm: "I've noticed that too."

Side: "Surely there is some connection."

Longarm: "I don't think so, just think about who we are dealing with. Megatron either works with a full on offense, or a crafty distraction."

Side: "But he's been hurting places that are environmental or populated by military."

Longarm: "True, but analyze the situation. Fearswoop's attack in the forest and Terradive's assault on the Navy have zero connection. Which can only lead to one logical outcome."

Prime: "Megatron is stalling for something. I wish I knew what it was, but whatever it is it doesn't bode well for any of us."

At Decepticon HQ, the final shift is Starscream and Dr. Archiville. Unsurprisingly Starscream is complaining about what a meaningless task this is to him.

(moaning) "Oh what torture this is. Why can't they just get Payload to do this again? It's not like he contributes anything of note to our cause."

"It's our duty Starscream, and no matter what it is we have to see it to the end."

"I didn't ask for your opinion doctor."

"That mindset won't help you one bit."

(snarling) "I don't need help! You are small insect who has yet to even begin to understand the workings of the universe. I on the other hand am a scientist with a far better grasp on reality."

"Then why aren't you helping Skywarp?"

"Because I hated that job and preferred to be on the battlefield. I don't expect you to understand."

During all this Thundercracker is walking down one of the halls when he is approached by Soundwave.

Thunder: "Hey Soundwave, what do want?"

Soundwave takes out his sonic cannon and blasts him through a wall into a very dark and large room. In the distance he can see the faint outline of Megatron sitting on a throne. He isn't alone as he sees the street crew, Waspinator, Payload, Frenzy, and Skywarp all in the audience.

Thunder: "What is this?

Megatron: (insultingly) "Oh Thundercracker, you disappoint me."

Thunder: (confused) "What the heck did I do?"

Megatron: "Not even going to admit your own faults are you? Very well then. Soundwave, have Laserbeak replay the footage."

Laserbeak goes somewhere inside Soundwave and the blue lights around his body light up as Thundercracker's conversation from yesterday is displayed for everyone to hear.

Thunder: (panicking) "The bird made me do it!"

Megatron: (not amused) "A bird that can't even speak English told you to say everything did he? Your lies lack the conviction of Starscream's pleas. You do realize that I honed my skills on the arena of Kaon correct?"

Thunder: "That's correct."

Megatron: "And do you really believe that you can take me?"

Thunder: "Well when you put it that way-"

Frenzy: "You suck Thundercracker!"

Wasp: "Waspinator think Thunderbot is ******!"

Megatron: "The people have spoken Thundercracker. You also think you can take Soundwave, so why don't we test that theory?"

Thunder: (mortified) "No, anything but that! There was a glitch in my wiring, that's all! I've been hanging around Starscream for too long!"

Megatron: "Of course you would blame Starscream, but I will let you in on a little secret. Unlike Starscream I don't need you."

This information frightens the Decepticon as he tries to run away, but is stopped by Soundwave.

Megatron: "Either you get killed by me, or you fight Soundwave and lose, it's your choice."

Thundercracker decides to live and deploys his chainsaw to fight Soundwave.

Thunder: "Alright tall dark and wavy, let's dance!"

Thundercracker swipes at the massive Soundwave, but despite his size he dodges each attach and picks him up. He gets slammed down hard by Soundwave, and is about to get stepped on. Thundercracker uses his thrusters to slide back and shoots Soundwave with his gun, causing him to stagger back. Thundercracker shoots out two missiles, but Soundwave's tractor beams stops them and he redirects them at Thundercracker. He dodges the first one, which hits Waspinator, but the second one is a direct hit. Soundwave then unsheathes two blades from his torso which forms the wings of his jet form to act like a pair of secondary arms. He also reveals several sharp tentacles that smack him around senselessly. Thundercracker barely parries the blade strikes before getting in close enough to make a left and right cut across Soundwave's chest. As he is about to make a third attack Soundwave grabs him by the arm, turns around, and slams him down on his face. He then stomps his foot on Thundercracker's back and starts pulling one of his arms back in an attempt to break it.

Megatron: "Fun fact for you Thundercracker, Soundwave and I met at Kaon and he was the only opponent to ever come close to besting me. The fight was an even match with me getting a last second advantage. Despite being a bit rusty it's good to know that he can still take you down easily, and I'm impressed by your efforts."

Thunder: "Really?"

Megatron: "Yes, but what do you say to Soundwave? He is about to break your arm."

Thunder: "I...yield."

Soundwave lets go of his arm and glares at him for a few moments before secluding back to his workplace.

Megatron: "They say when you corner a cyber-rat it will put up a fight, and you did just that. Congratulations Thundercracker, I will spare your life."

Thunder: "Wait do you mean that if I didn't do well I would have died anyway?"

Megatron: "Indeed, consider yourself lucky."

Meanwhile while guarding Carly, Starscream and the doctor hear three voices outside the door.

?: "And I said did somebody say burn?"

?: "I know Fearswoop I was there when you said it!"

?: "Isn't it weird that at least once a day your hand is touching your ass?"

?: "Are we going in yet?"

?: "I'm trying to get him in, but getting him to act reasonable is a daunting task."

?: "Lets' just do it."

The door is kicked open as we see Fearswoop, Terradive, and Rumble all enter and Starscream notices that Fearswoop has a party blower in his hand.

All: "Happy birthday Starscream!" (Fearswoop blows the party blower)

Terra: (astonished) "...How are you doing that without a mouth?"

Fear: "Shush, just go with it."

Scream: (perplexed) "As flattering as this is it isn't my birthday."

Terra: (putting his arm around Starscream) "Well think of it as a celebration to honor you!"

Scream: "Really?"

(Fearswoop blows again)

During the confusion Rumble sticks a kick me note on Starscream's back and kicks him in the rear.

Scream: "Ow! Why did you do that?"

Fear: "You see me, Terradive, and Frenzy wanted to pull a prank on you."

Rumble: "Again I'm Rumble, I don't think you know anything at this point."

Terra: "It took you that long to figure it out?"

Fear: "I don't think you even know who you are."

Rumble: "Trust me I do."

Fear: "All that matters is that you are you, but I thought you were him because I believe Rumble was red. Want to know what else is red?"

Terra: (sarcastically) "Gee I wonder."

Both: "Fire."

Fear: "What did I say about reading my mind?"

Terra: "It's not reading your mind if it's obvious."

Fear: "You don't see me complaining about your water habits."

Terra: "I'm not going to start this again, now where were we?"

Rumble: "The prank."

Terra: "Ah yes the prank. You see Starscream you fell for the oldest trick in the book. We knew your weak ego couldn't resist the slightest bit of praise."

Scream: (in denial) "My ego isn't weak!"

Fearswoop kicks him in the rear while Terradive pokes him with his trident. The angered Starscream brandishes his claws, but Fearswoop turns on his weapons while Terradive and Rumble aim their weapons as well.

Scream: "You wouldn't dare."

Fear: (squinting) "Is that a burn me sign?"

Terra: (smiling) "Why yes it is."

Starscream runs out the door screaming with them following him.

Terra: "You can't escape destiny!"

Fear: "You seriously need a tan Starscream, let me help you with that!"

Rumble: "Let me get my camera!"

Now this leaves Carly and the doctor alone.

"You are a human working with the Decepticons?"

"Indeed I am my dear."

"But why?"

"Humanity is flawed and needs to learn a lesson."

"But they're going to kill them!"

"I'm very well aware.

"You seem familiar to me, who are you?"

"I am Emile Archiville."

"From Oxford?"


"That's where I was planning to go to college."


"Yeah, I had always wanted to learn from you. All the amazing things you did in the name of science was really inspiring."

(flattered) "Why thank you child."

"But now you're working with Megatron. Whatever he promised you he is lying to you."

"He wouldn't lie to me, I helped him."

"He no use for you now."

"Of course he does."

(pleading) "I beg you to consider the situation. He is going to kill you, and it's only a matter of when. You can still do good and save me, I believe in you please!"

He analyzes the situation and realizes that the girl is indeed right. All the bad things he did in past come back to haunt him as he makes a life changing decision to free Carly. He deactivates the barrier and grabs her by the hand as they run along the hall. They have to stop because Dropkick and Blastwave are walking through the corridors and having a strange conversation.

"Then I said trukk not munkey!"

"Sheeet I hate dem ballz!"

The two get past them until they reach his submarine.

"I need to open the hatch, you need to stay back and look out for trouble."

As he says this he hears something charging, and he leaps off of the submarine and starts to run, but unfortunately he is a bit too late as a blue blast hits the submarine and explodes with the doctor caught in the blast. He survived the blast, but at a terrible cost. He lost his right leg and part of his left arm, and half of his face is covered in second degree burns. The person who shot the blast is none other than Soundwave, and the commotion alerts all the Decepticons to the room.

Megatron: "What have we here? A betrayal in our establishment? You've been a very bad human doctor."

Dr: "Just kill me already."

Brim: "I volunteer to send him on his way."

Megatron: "Under normal circumstances I would allow you to Brimstone, but I feel death is too easy a punishment for him. Instead I will give a fate far worse than death."

Brim: "What could be worse than death?"

Megatron: "Simple, being a lab rat in Shockwave's lair."

Skywarp: "Brilliant plan sir."

Splicer: "See what happens when you betray Megatron? You lose a leg, part of an arm...and you get burns on your face."

At this very moment everyone hears running until you see Fearswoop burst open the door dragging Terradive and Rumble face first on the ground.

Fear: "Burn is my trigger!"

Terra: "I'll try and hold him back Megatron."

Megatron: "That won't be necessary Terradive. Fearswoop, if you calm yourself I can promise you you will get to burn something before we leave for battle tomorrow."

Fear: (standing up straight) "Yes sir!"

Terra: "To think it was that easy."

Megatron: "Splicer, you take the doctor to the infirmary to stabilize him, and Payload, you get to have guard duty for the rest of the night. As for you Soundwave I want you to hack one of the human satellites to study information on the rest of these locations. When you finish we will rendezvous to the city and free Ravage."

Soundwave nods and leaves to complete his mission while Megatron give one final word to his followers.

"Tomorrow we dine the feast of victory against Optimus and his Autobots, and we will win no matter at whose life it costs, preferably Starscream's. We will be victorious, and then by the end of tomorrow we will have two planets under our control."

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