Part 15: Guard Duty

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The next day Optimus sends Beachcomber and Jazz on a special mission.

Prime: "I want you to go to where Megatron and I had our fast battle."

Jazz: "The dam? What for?"

Prime: "Wheeljack has come up with the idea to reverse engineer Decepticon weaponry."

Wheel: "I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner!"

Side: (sarcastically) "Me too."

Prime: "I broke Megatron's sword at the dam, retrieve it and I will use it to stop Megatron once and for all."

Cliff: "An ironic fate for a tyrant to be killed by his own blade... I love being an Autobot!"

Prime: "Return with the blade, and we will see what we can do."

Beach: "You got it man."

Jazz and Beachcomber leave for their destination to retrieve the blade. Meanwhile bumblebee Ron, Chip, and Sideswipe go to comfort Spike.

Bee: "We'll get her back don't worry."

Side: "Yeah 8 out of 10 times we get our hostages out."

Bee: "That's not helping Sideswipe."

Side: "Sorry."

Ron: "Look at how Longarm and Prowl look at that thing so intently."

Chip: "Wheeljack told me that Ravage is way smarter than he looks."

Ron: "Looks like a fat cow with no brain to me."

Ravage's audio receptors pick up that remark, and he does a silent growl to himself.

Meanwhile Jazz and Beachcomber arrive at the dam and find themselves confused.

"Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yeah man Optimus was very specific."

"I don't see it, I feel like we are on another wild cyber goose chase."

"Dude, that would be radical."

"What's that over there?"

Jazz goes over to the spot where Megatron lost his sword and notices a hole where it was.


"It's all a conspiracy man."

"Don't get all Cliffjumper on me."

"They're called the Illuminati man, they're always watching."

"Whoo boy, I can't wait to tell Prime this."

As they leave the dam, they failed to notice that they were being watched by some men in black. They enter a black van that holds Megatron's sword, and drives off.

We now go into the Decepticon base where we see that Fearswoop, Terradive, Payload, Waspinator, and the twins are left to guard Carly, and Terradive is not enjoying his job.

Terra: "Why exactly must I be on on guard duty? I, king of the Seacons doing such a low-end task is so...degrading."

Frenzy: "Maybe Megatron realized you aren't that great after all."

Terra: "No...he couldn't have."

Payload: "I know the feeling Terradive."

Terra: "I didn't ask for your opinion Payload."

Rumble: "Yeah Payload, what are you even doing here? You're so irrelevant."

Payload: "Why are you guys so mean to me?"

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