Part 24: Old vs New

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Fearswoop is busy destroying cars and any human soldier foolish enough to get him until we see a lone Sideswipe standing across the way. Taking a deep breath, he transforms into stealth force and begins to drive toward the Decepticon. He begins to fire his guns and missiles, which all hit Fearswoop, causing him to stagger back a bit. Sideswipe turns back into his regular vehicle mode and drives in between Fearswoop's legs. Fearswoop tries to grab him as he goes through, but fails. He failed to notice Longarm running along a wall. He is able to do this by changing the setting in his balance servos, allowing him to temporarily switch up the gravitation pull in his body. He is the only Autobot on the team who can do this. Longarm gets close enough and does an aerial flip with his beam sword out, and cuts off Fearswoop's right arm. Longarm drives away after this while Cliffjumper runs forward and takes his sword and slashes Fearswoop across the chest.

"Ha! Take that ugly!"

Fearswoop glares down at the cocky Autobot, and picks him up with his remaining arm.

"You know, I really should've thought this through."

With that, he gets thrown into a building. Fearswoop runs off to get better ground. Optimus goes after the Skywarp clone, who blasts missiles at him, and Optimus is forced to take cover in a wall. Wheeljack is driving Chip out of the city, and then patches he created sends out some surprising information.

Wheel: (via comm link to everyone) "Guys, you aren't going to believe this, but Starscream is dead! A fighter pilot said he shot him out the sky and he crashed into the street somewhere!"

Prowl: (comm link) "No way!"

Cliff: (comm link) "It's about time!"

Side: (comm link) "How did it happen?"

Ironhide: (commlink) "A fitting end to a miserable creature like him."

Wheel: (to Chip) "I don't know how that miracle worked, but I'm loving every moment of it."

Chip: "Are you sure that he's actually dead?"

Wheel: "Well I built it, and patches don't lie."

Chip: "I suppose so."

Wheel: "We are almost out of here, now I just got to-"

As he tries to finish his sentence he is attacked by Splicer, who jumps onto the hood of the car.

Splicer: "Hi guys!"

Wheeljack desperately transforms to shake him off, but he simply does a backflip and sticks the landing with zero difficulty.

Splicer: "Fancy meeting you guys here!"

Wheel: "Chip, get somewhere safe."

Splicer: "You guys were trying to run away weren't you?"

Wheel: "Yes we were."

Splicer: "That's such a copout!"

Wheel: (taking out his swords) "Let us through Splicer, or I may have to do something I regret."

Splicer: "Well I would love to, but Megatron would be angry if I did. (activating all blades) As much as I like you, I have to put you down."

Wheel: (boldly)"I'm a wrecker Splicer, and I don't think you want to face off against me."

Splicer: (surprised) "I had no idea you were a Wrecker. I've always wanted to fight one of those."

Chip: "Are you sure about this Wheeljack?"

Wheel: "I have to be, your life is at stake."

Splicer: "No it isn't, I don't harm humans. I've been ordered to kill this time and seeing that I haven't done that since I was around the human version of 13 years old, and being 16 in human years despite being millions of years old, I need exercise."

Wheel: "You're going to have to exercise retreating, because I'll won't go easy on you."

Splicer: "Really? That means I gotta go hard too, especially against a Wrecker."

Splicer puts down his battle helmet as we see it in full glory. It has 6 circular eyes that are green, and the are in rows of two as they glow with a very insectoid assassin vibe. And with that the battle begins.

Splicer and Wheeljack both run toward each other and clash blades. Wheeljack puts on a strong offensive, but Splicer easily parries each attack and makes an impressive counterattack that Wheeljack only barely blocks. Splicer does a left and right slice, and is blocked, and Wheejack tries to do an uppercut with his sword, and miraculously breaks Splicer's defenses. Wheeljack does a well timed kick to knock him back a few step, and Splicer is impressed by this.

Splicer: "Whoa! Nice one Wheeljack! I have to admit I underestimated you. But now that I know the way you fight, I can adapt accordingly."

Splicer leaps into the air and spins like a top with his blades out, and Wheeljack barely dodges as that attack tears up the street. Wheeljack and Splicer go at it, but this time Splicer does a low attack that cuts Wheeljack in the leg. Wheeljack limps over to try to dodge, but Splicer grabs Wheeljack by the head with his legs, and faceplants him through the windshield of a car. Wheejack gets up, and tries to backhand Splicer, but he uses his tactic against him as he throws him into a streetlight. The street light falls over on his lap, and Wheeljack gets an idea as he puts his swords away. Wheeljack stands up with the streetlight and swing it at Splicer, but he does a knee slide to dodge it. Wheeljack puts it into staff position to beat him around, but Splicer does a simple uppercut with his elbow blade, which cuts the pole in half.

Now with two smaller pieces in each hand, Wheeljack attacks him with both. Splicer doges the first one, but gets swatted aside in the back with the second one, sending him face first into the window of a building. Luckily he still wore his mask to protect him. Splicer puts all his blades away as he goes back to Wheeljack, and manages to disarm one of the parts of the pole. Wheeljack attempts to hit him with the remaining one, but Splicer continually cuts it up like a Japanese chef would cut fish and sushi. Splicer picks up the remaining half and swings Wheeljack like a baseball.

Splicer: "Batter up!"

Wheeljack struggles to get up and manages to deck Splicer, but Splicer does a scissor move with his legs to grab Wheeljack's legs, and uses all of his mights to roll him to the left, which smashes him onto the road on his back. Splicer repeats this on the right with Wheeljack getting a face full of concrete. Spicer picks Wheeljack up and pins him against a wall.

Chip: "Come on Wheeljack, do something."

Splicer: (removing his helmet) "Hush, the adults are talking. You've done well dude, kind of a bummer I can't let you live."

Wheeljack responds by headbutting Splicer

Splicer: "Ow! That hurt!"

Splicer puts his battle helmet/mask on and headbutts him back, sending him crashing through the wall. Splicer dusts himself off when he hears a charging sound coming from the hole. A blue laser comes out and hits Splicer square in the chest, sending him back a few yards and landing on his back. Wheeljack steps out of the hole and sees Splicer getting back up.

Wheel: "Don't make me hurt you anymore than you are Splicer."

Splicer: "I never retreat, and besides I have a surprise for you."

Splicer reaches into his chest compartment and takes out the Rhinox Latex. He puts several around his body and blades as he puts his hands on his hips and stands in a triumphant pose.

Splicer: "Feel the might of human protection, there's no way you can break through my defenses!"

Wheeljack looks over at Chip, who is laughing his head off.

Splicer: (confused) "Are you not intimidated by my superior armor?"

Wheel: "Yeah... sure."

Splicer: "Go ahead shoot me, watch it bounce off."

Wheel: "For real?"

Splicer: "Yeah hit me with all you got!"

Wheel: (to Chip) "Should I?"

Chip: "Yes hurry!"

Wheeljack shoots another blast of his plasma cannon at Splicer, who doesn't even flinch, that is until the shot gets him in the chest and blows him on his back, and some the latex has burned off.

Splicer: (astonished) "Why didn't it work?"

Chip: (yelling) "Wrong kind of protection bro!"

Splicer: (confused) :What do you mean wrong kind? There couldn't possibly be... oh that kind. (to himself) Stupid stupid stupid! How could I have been so blind?"

Wheel: "It's over Splicer, give up."

Splicer: "Not my function."

The two begin to fight again, but this time Splicer is pulling all the tricks. Wheeljack tries to slash him, but the quick con does a top spin to dodge and then knocks one of his swords away, and then proceeds to make a deep cut across his shoulder. The wounded Wheeljack tries to attack him with his remaining sword, but Splicer shoots it out of his hand. The weaponless Wheeljack gets a triple gash across his chest as Splicer does a right slash. Wheeljack crumples to the floor while Splicer takes a quick breather.

Splicer: "Phew, that was harder than it needed to be. So who's next for me? I'll go for Cliffjumper next.

Wheeljack feels rage coursing through his body as he angrily tackles Splicer, but is quickly kicked off. This gets him close enough to his swords as Splicer sees true Wrecker skills. Wheeljack charges in with a whirlwind attack with his swords, that he barely blocks and then is followed by a drill attack with him jumping and spinning like a drill in front of Splicer, and that breaks his defenses. Wheeljack cuts him across the chest, picks him up, throws him onto a car, kick the car into a wall, and shoots it, causing it to explode. Wheeljack takes a deep breath over all the events that have happened.

Chip: "Are you alright?"

Wheel: "Yeah, he's gone, I can't believe it."

Splicer: "Obviously you aren't a good detective."

Splicer emerges from the hole with a few burns and scratches, he looks angry as he puts on his helmet and aggressively attacks Wheeljack. Splicer shoots two shards into Wheeljack's back as he tries to defend himself with his swords, and Splicer cuts one the swords in 4 pieces with a single slash. Wheeljack uses his free hand to punch Splicer in the face, but Splicer kicks him into a wall, but Wheeljack uses the momentum to smash the back of his head into a wall as he holds the remaining sword to Splicer's throat.

Wheel: "It's over splicer."

Splicer: "For a second there I almost believed you."

Splicer stabs Wheeljack with all three of his main blades into the lower right region of his stomach. Wheeljack staggers back as Chip is screaming in fear. Splicer Wheeljack to the wall and puts two of his blades hear his head.

Splicer: (coldly) "You know there is one more blade left, and that will go through your head now."

Before Splicer could do that, he is interrupted by Megatron on the comm link.

Megatron: "Splicer, I require your assistance now."

Splicer: -sigh- "As you wish."

Wheel: (goading) "Still following his orders like a pack mule?"

Splicers brutally throws him down in response to this.

Splicer: "Don't talk about my father like that. You are lucky Wheeljack, if it wasn't for him you wouldn't be alive. Well I guess you could leak out, it's definitely a possibility. (horrified) ..I'm so sorry, that was the old me. I can't believe I said all that! Look I got to go, if I uh see you again I'm probably going to have to kill you to clear my conscious, later!"

Splicer transforms and drives off while Wheejack falls on his side.

Chip: "Are you going to be ok?"

Wheel: "Probably not, we have to go back. (turns on the comm link) Longarm, I need you to get me to Ratchet, I'm in real bad shape."

Longarm: (over comm link) "On my way."

We now transition over to Carly, who has found herself in an alleyway. She takes a few breaths because there is nothing going on at the moment, just peace and quiet. Before starting to leave she hears crunching behind her and she blindly attacks something, and that something turns out to be Spike.

Carly: "Spike?? Oh my god I'm so sorry!"

Spike: "It's ok, are you alright?"

Carly: (hugs) I am now that you're here. What's been going on?"

Spike: "Lots of fighting and death, we need to get you out of here."

Carly: "But where?"

Spike: "Bumblebee said he will meet us here soon, and then we will be safe."

?: "Oh that's so sweet, but a bit rudimentary if you ask me."

The kids both recognize the chilling voice behind them, and see Brimstone near a brick wall with his head slightly cocked to the side.

Brim: (gleefully) "It's seems like Primus answered my prayers after all!"

Spike: "Carly run!"

Brim: "I don't think so."

Brimstone uses his headlight laser to shoot at the wall, causing debris to block all but one entrance, and that's the one he is guarding.

Brim: (cruelly) "I will enjoy carving you both like pumpkins."

Carly: (screaming) "Help!"

Brim: (being a sick bastard) "Shhh, when uncle Brimstone is around, nobody can hear you scream. I know you two were afraid of not seeing me again, but fear not children for I am here. Now... we have all the time in the world together."

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