Part 5: Beachcomber, the Arcade, and Pests

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Since the battle on the rig the existence of aliens was broadcast to the whole world. It would be from this moment on that they would find friend and enemy alike in humanity. The Autobots are troubled on the whereabouts of their missing comrade Beachcomber. They decide to take another look in The Ark, but they have no success.

Cliff: "Now where could he be?"

Prowl: "I wouldn't put it past him to be off sightseeing."

Jazz: "You're always being so hard on him Prowl."

Longarm: "He has a point though Jazz, Beachcomber does wander off sometimes."

Ratchet: "Guys.... I think I found something."

Ratchet finds a leg underneath some rubble, and after removing it all they find their friend Beachcomber, who is in stasis and has his head lodged through one of the monitors.

Hubcap: "Oh dear, I hope he's alright."

Wheel: "I know he's always had his head stuck somewhere, but this is ridiculous."

Ratchet: "Clear a table for me!"

The good doctor begins to work on their friend, and notices that his head is severely damaged. One wrong move and he could potentially kill Beachcomber. Ratchet begins to do a laser surgery on his friend's head to repair some of the damage.

Ron: (to Spike and Chip) "Wait till Judy hears about all this."

After a very intense session, Ratchet finishes what little he can do to improve his friend's condition.

Ratchet: "I did all I could. I don't know what to expect when we reactivate him, so let's give him some room."

Beach: (waking up) "Whoa... what happened?"

Ratchet: "You took a nasty blow to the head my friend."

Beach: (now standing) "Yeah dude I feel weird."

Jazz: (to Ironhide) "I never heard him use that word before."

Beach: (seeing the humans) "Whoa dude, what are those things?"

Ironhide: "These are called humans."

Ratchet: "Filthy creatures aren't they?

Beach: "No way man, I like these guys."

Cliff: "Glad you're back Beachcomber."

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