Part 20: The ballad of Fearswoop and Terradive

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Terradive and Fearswoop land way further down the road and see... phew, good thing the narrator said the right see, or Fearswoop would be most upset. Anyway as they view the Autobots they have a small pre-battle chat.

"Well would you look at that Fearswoop? It looks like we have some willing volunteers."

"Sure looks like it."

"Don't they... (shapes his hand like a C) see that there is no use?"

"See what happens when you differentiate the different words I can understand you better."

"Glad that helps."

"Before we start there is something I want to tell you."

"What is it?"

"For eons the two of us have had so many adventures and wreaked so much havoc amongst the Autobots, and we've had our fair share of fights too. What' I'm trying to say is that you are the best and only real friend I've ever had. I don't know where I would be without your might and presence I could not have been myself. Thank you Terradive."

Terradive feels genuine emotion for the kindness that Fearswoop speaks. A rare tear forms around his eye as he is overcome with happiness.

"Terradive, there is water coming from your eyes."

-sniff- "Yes, yes there is. Now how about we show these Autobots who the real kings are?"

"Lets do it."

Terra: "Hey water you waiting for Longarm?"

Fear: "Good one Terradive."

Ratchet: "Save it Fearswoop."

Terra: "Ah Ratchet, my old enemy, and I do mean that literally as well."

Ratchet: "I can be rusting and still be able to send you reeling back to the sea."

Terra: "We will SEA about that."

Longarm: (to Beachcomber) "He's really lost it."

Beach: "Totally man."

Fear: "Before we start there is something I always wanted to say to you Prowl."

Prowl: "And what's that?"

Fear: (turning on his flamethrowers) "You light up my world like nobody else!"

The flames extend to the end of the street and everyone ducks for cover. Prowl shoots at Fearswoop, but Terradive blocks the shots with his trident. He shoots out blasts of his trident while Fearswoop fires his grenades at the Autobots, and Prowl gets hit with one of them. Longarm uses his tail light gun to but his friends cover while Bumblebee hit Fearswoop with a missile. An angered Terradive shoots Bumblebee in retaliation.

While this is going on Ace is gearing up for battle, as he enters the cockpit of his jet he reminisces with a picture of the early days with him, Tyrone, Alan, and the general. He puts it aside and turns the ignition on. Alan is also prepping the new drones now equipped with weapons made by Wheeljack. Ron and Judy are both watching on tv the fights that are going on from inside the ark and the asylum respectively.

Fearswoop and Terradive do not relent and continue their annihilation of anything that gets too close, with Terradive doing acrobatic moves to close the distance gap between their foes. Suddenly a tiny spark from Terradive's trident touches one of Fearswoop's fires and turns blue with an explosion. They both take note of this when Fearswoop gets an idea.

Fear: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking Terradive?"

Terra: "For once I think I am."

Fear: "My fire plus your trident's energy equals..."

Both: "Blue fire!"

Fearswoop turns up the heat while Terradive puts his energy inside the fire, and it becomes blue and more powerful, melting cars instantly and humans become ashes. Sideswipe uses his wheel fieet to drift over to save Cliffjumper and Beachcomber. Prowl tries to shoot Fearswoop, but the flames melt the shots. Ratchet and Ironhide shoot Terradive, and Fearswoop launches grenades that they only barely dodge. Secretly the military has gotten behind the pair, and their tanks have begun firing at both of them, hitting Fearswoop in the back and getting Terradive knocked into a building. An enraged Fearswoop launches grenades at a few tanks, which makes them explode while the remaining tanks retreat.

Terra: "I hate tanks, are you all right?"

Fear: "Just an armor wound."

Terra: "I thought of another idea, but you should deal with that tank that decided to stick around. "

Fearswoop runs over and turns his flamethrowers to the maximum temperature and melts the cannon of the tank. He pick it up and throws it at the Autobots.

Longarm: "Run guys, I'll hold them back!"

As the rest of the team runs away from the tank, Longarm braves the challenge of fighting both of them at once.

Longarm: "Bring it boys, I can handle it."

Terra: "I have an idea, what happens if I charge your grenades with my energy?"

Fear: "Let's give it a try."

Fearswoop launches a grenade while Terradive puts the energy behind it, causing it glow blue, and this actually intimidates Longarm as he gets hit in the chest with this grenade. There is a big explosion as he gets sent flying back. To his horror he sees the top part of his chest armor has melted slightly.

Longarm: "Well what do you know... that actually hurt."

Fear: "That was hot."

Terra: "Watch this."

Terradive leaps in the air and stabs Longarm with his trident and he begins to yell in pain.

Terra: (bellowing) "Kneel before your true king Longarm!"

Longarm: (mocking) "That's sweet of you to go soft on me like that, I can barely feel a thing."

Terradive starts to wriggle his trident around the armor to cause him more pain.

Terra: (coldly) "The more you mock, the more I will make you suffer, so go ahead and make my day."

Fear: "Nice moves there."

The seekers and clone along with a few Vehicons show up to discuss the battle."

Thunder: "Now why couldn't you guys have opened with that? We needed that like ten minutes ago."

Terra: "That would ruin the fun."

Scream: "Your fun is what cost us a quarter of our Vehicons."

Terra: "Save it Starscream, it's not like you did anything of note before we showed up."

Scream: "I lead the airstrike with Thundercracker."

Thunder: "And ran away at the first sign of trouble."

Scream: "There were too many of them!"

Thunder: "Only Cliffjumper shot at you, and you couldn't even handle that!"

Fear: "Ohhh burn."

Terra: "You are indeed pathetic Starscream."

Thunder: "He sure is, right Skywarp?"

The clone makes disjointed head nodding to agree with Thundercracker. Everyone including Longarm laughs at Starscreams expense."

Scream: (insultingly) "At least I don't suck up to Megatron like you do Terradive."

Fearswoop decks Starscream and puts his flamethrowers to his neck

Fear: (coldly..errr I mean hotly) "Insult my friend ever again and this whole city will be covered in your ashes."

Scream: (terrified) "Oh yes yes hahah, I don't know what came over me. I must of had a malfunction."

Fear: "I have those all the time."

Thunder: "So uh... what do we do with Longarm?"

Terra: "If Fearswoop taught me anything, it's that the most simple solutions are often the best. So lets kill him in the cruelest way possible."

Thunder: "Brimstone is missing out."

Fear: "Who cares about Brimstone's feeling, let's fry him!"

Before the Decepticons could start their routine, they are interrupted by the Autobots. They all appear at the top of a building and jump off. Wheeljack delivers a flying kick to Thundercracker's face and Prowl and Beachcomber shoot Fearswoop. Terradive gets double teamed by Ratchet and Ironhide while the clone is injured by Bumblebee and sideswipe when they injure it in the chest with their heavy weapons. Cliffjumper uses the confusion to drag Longarm out of of the crossfire. Starscream again escapes, but not before shooting Ratchet in the left side of his chest with a blast of his Null Ray blaster. Ironhide goes over to help his friend to his feet.

Ironhide: "Are you alright Ratchet?"

Ratchet: "Only thing wounded is my pride. Out of all the cons to be hit by it had to be Starscream"

Ironhide: "We will worry about that later, but we need to pull out."

Prowl: "Omega formation now!"

Sideswipe turns into stealth force with Tyrone inside shooting and killing Vehicons as they drive by while Tyrone screams. Wheeljack gets surrounded by Vehicons. Before they can shoot him a grenade that he made appears at their feet and it explodes killing them instantly. Wheeljack looks in the direction of the blast and sees Chip is the one who threw it. Giving a thumbs up they try to run with some human soldiers but they hear a piercing sound as they fall face first to the ground. They see purple translucent scales in their backs as we now see Waspinator flying into the battle and nabbing Cliffjumper. Wheeljack sees the situation worsen when he sees Splicer driving toward the city in the distance.

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