Part 27: Firefight

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Bumblebee rushes over to Longarm, who is still unconscious.

"Longarm are you ok?"

(waking up) "What happened?"

"You killed Dropkick, all three of those guys are dead now."

"Dropkick is finally gone.... I can't believe it."

"I know, but we need to get back to the others."

"Of course, but I need a minute or two to process everything that's happened."

After about a minute of closing his eyes and taking some deep breaths, Longarm finally feels some inner peace.

"Alright, let's go."

The two travel back to Ratchet's location to discuss battle plans with the rest of the group.

Ratchet: (beginning to crack under pressure) "Now three of you are seriously injured??! Can't you guys just not take damage for once? Is that truly too much to ask for?"

Cliff: "Yes."

Ratchet: "Shut up Cliffjumper!"

Jazz: "So what do we do about the others?"

Ironhide: "We will need to bring out the big guns now."

Side: "Alright! Let's do it Ironhide!"

Ironhide: "I wasn't referring to you this time."

Side: (hurt) "Oh.. ok."

Jazz: "Then it's me I guess?"

Ironhide: 'Not this time Jazz, I was referring to him."

Ironhide points his finger, and to everyone's surprise he is pointing at Ratchet. Ratchet of course is the most surprised.

Ratchet: (baffled) "Me? Why? I have to save Beachcomber."

Ironhide: "He's stabilized isn't he?"

Ratchet: "Well yes, but he still needs more healing."

Ironhide: "I need your firepower, you're the only one that can do this."

Ratchet: "I can't!... I won't."

Beachcomber makes a noise to get Ratchet's attention. His words strike an emotional chord with the good doctor.

Beach: (faintly) "Don't worry about me man.. save the humans. Besides I have some painkillers right here."

Beachcomber takes out and consumes some Flintstone vitamins. Ratchet begrudgingly agrees to Ironhide's plan.

Ratchet: "Guess it's like the old days isn't it?"

The two walk out to see Megatron and Optimus continuing their battle, and Optimus once again gets his advantage and starts beating on Megatron. Megatron kicks him off and decides to play dirty when he shoots his fusion cannon at some humans. Prime being the hero that he is takes the bullet for them, and Ratchet feels morally conflicted again to see his leader and friend do such a selfless act for such a selfish species. As Optimus gets up Splicer shoots him with his sniper and blows him back a few feet. Fearswoop comes running in and helps Megatron to his feet.

Fear: "We came here as soon as we could."

Splicer: "I can take Optimus, you need medical attention."

Megatron: "No, this is my fight. I need you to go back to base."

Splicer: "I know I can take him!"

Megatron: "I know you can, but we all need you alive. Seeing that Starscream is apparently dead I need someone else to fill his position, and I want that person to be you. If it is my destiny to perish here then so be it, but the Decepticons need to rally behind someone with power and respect, and you are the only one who can do it."

Splicer: (pleading) "But we need you...I need you!"

Megatron: (firmly) "My word is final now go, save yourself."

Splicer: "Ok... promise you will come back to me."

Megatron: "I promise."

Splicer transforms and drives away while Megatron discusses the circumstances of the battle with Fearswoop.

Megatron: "Give me a status report on everything Fearswoop.

Fear: "Well Terradive and Payload have left the battle along with Splicer, Thundercracker is talking on the air force, Brimstone, Blastwave, Dropkick, and the clone are dead, We have few Autobots critically injured, and I almost forgot to mention, I lost an arm!"

Megatron: "What about Waspinator?"

Fear: "He ran off with Prowl somewhere, I'm sure he's fine."

Megatron: "Very well then, let's take these Autobot's out."

Fear: "With pleasure."

Thundercracker and Ace continue chasing each other in the air and are getting close to a human jet's maximum altitude capabilities. Thundercracker doesn't need to worry because of his superior technology.

(arrogantly) "You've lost human, I'm going to lock onto you and you'll be nothing but spare parts!"

"You're right Thundercracker, you do have the advantage. But you want to know the difference between you and me?"

"What's that?"

"I accept my limitations."

Aces pulls the brakes out on his jet, and Thundercracker flies past him much to his surprise. Ace fires two missiles that hit Thundercracker's thrusters, and he goes spiraling back down and screaming along the way. He blindly shoots while spiraling down, and a lucky shot hits Ace's jet, and he is forced to deploy his parachute. He successfully makes it out as he sees his rival go on his long trip back to the ground. Megatron continues his battle with Optimus and throws a car into him. Fearswoop is busy taking on the Autobots when he sees Ratchet and Ironhide across the street.

Fear: "Well if it isn't the good doctor and Heavy Iron himself. I see you volunteer as tribute to my flames."

Ironhide: "You aren't going to hurt anyone anymore Fearswoop."

Fear: (mocking) "Empty threats from an empty Autobot. You don't have enough fire in your soul to do such a thing. I promise your grilling will be extra special."

Ratchet: "Do you ever shut up?"

Fear: "Nope, but try this!"

Fearswoop launches his grenades at the Autobots, but they roll out of the way. Ironhide covers for Ratchet as he transforms and drives near the Decepticon. Fearswoop tries to hit him with his flamethrower, but Ratchet leaps over it and launches five of his sticky grenades all over his chest and torso. Fearswoop picks up Ratchet and throws him into Ironhide, and Ironhide signals him to stay back. Fearswoop didn't realize the grenades were on him, and he sees them all explode, critically wounding him, but he still isn't down. His spark is now somewhat exposed as a good portion of his armor came off from the grenades. Ironhide wants to finish this and takes out his upgraded Heavy Iron. Dodging Fearswoop's grenades he sends out three shots that are like heavy tank fire into Fearswoop's chest. The first knocks him back, the second one completely exposes his spark, and the last one goes straight through, destroying his spark and sending it flying out of his chest. Fearswoop's eye goes blank as he collapses forward dead. Ironhide puts his gun away and ends with a pun.

Ironhide: "You're fired."

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