Part 22 All Shall Fall

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Cliffjumper: (smacking Wheeljack back and forth) "Why couldn't you just keep your nonexistent mouth shut?!"

Wheel: "It was a mistake!"

Cliff: "No shit!"

Ratchet is fighting Terradive at the moment. The king makes a sweep attack with his trident that Ratchet leaps over, and shoots him with his beam gun. Megatron transforms and lands very far across the street with the other Decepticons. Starscream returns, and gets reprimanded by Megatron.

Scream: "Ah Megatron, nice of you to show- ack!"

Megatron: (having Starscream by the neck) "My disappointment in you has reached a record high, Starscream. Why is it so difficult to extinguish the sparks of a few Autobots, especially when Optimus Prime isn't around?"

Scream: "Well you see it's because of-"

Megatron: "I care not for your excuses, I only want results."

Terra: "My apologies Megatron, but we-"

Megatron: (angry) "Enough from you Terradive! All of you have disappointed me, especially you Payload."

Payload: (crying) "But I just got here!"

Megatron: "Decepticons, stop your nonsense and let a true warrior show you how to handle a few insignificant Autobots."

Fear: (singing) "Don't you wish your Fearswoop was hot like me? Don't you wish your Fearswoop was a freak like... aww man!"

Megatron tosses Starscream aside as the Decepticons all watch as Megatron begins to charge toward all the Autobots. Longarm is the first to battle Megatron but is thrown like a ragdoll. Sideswipe and Bumblebee shoot at Megatron, but his sheer willpower makes them nothing in his eyes as he shoots Sideswipe with his lightning gun and gives the most brutal uppercut to Bumblebee. Prowl shoots Megatron but is disarmed rather quickly and receives a devastating punch to the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Using the momentum, Megatron spins around and shoots his fusion cannon at Ratchet, he misses but the blast radius causes him to fall down. Beachcomber and Cliffjumper leap on top of Megatron, but they are little more than insects trying to get ground on a boot. Megatron reaches back and grabs Cliffjumper from behind and in slow motion we see that as he falls Megatron give a wicked roundhouse kick to his chest, and he goes flying into a building.

Beachcomber is still crawling on Megatron, but he is generally being ignored. Wheeljack tries to shoot Megatron from behind, but that proves to be ineffective. Megatron doesn't even look behind him as he puts his arm back and fires his Fusion cannon at a car near Wheeljack, and the explosion knocks him out. Megatron grows bored of Beachcomber and he gets thrown on top of the hood of a car and lands on his back. Megatron grins in satisfaction, but that moment is cut short as Longarm, Ratchet, and Ironhide all tackle him. Longarm gives few punches to the face as Ironhide goes to the gut. Ironhide is confused as he is lightly tapped from behind.

?: "Um excuse me?"

Ironhide turns around and sees Splicer behind him. He delivers the most badass backflip kick of all time as he spins to the side while upside down. Splicer then grabs Ironhide and picks him up.

Splicer: (struggling) "Geez Ironhide, you really let yourself go!"

Megatron takes advantage of this as he swats Longarm away and smacks Ratchet into the pavement. Splicer throws Ratchet to Megatron, who grabs and rolls with Ironhide as he kicks him into Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Prowl, and Cliffjumper. Longarm does a flying punch to Megatron's face, and Megatron responds with a punch of his own, which we see in slow motion as the sparks fly. He flies up with Longarm and slams him down hard on his back, which causes a huge shockwave. Ratchet shoots him from behind and starts shooting his sticky grenades at the warlord. Megatron destroys the grenades with his lightning cannon and grabs Ratchet. Ironhide delivers flurry of punches to Megatron as they trade blows with one another, but Megatron grabs Ironhide as well and bashes their heads together. He then tosses both of them aside as we see all the Autobots are piled up on one another. The other Decepticons are in awe of the sight before them.

Megatron: (dusting off his hands) "Now Decepticons, that's how you deal with Autobots in a quick manner."

Splicer: (clapping) "Yay Megatron!"

Megatron: "Very good teamwork Splicer."

Splicer: (happily) "Thank you!" Ironhide got the better of me, but I got even as usual."

Megatron: "Did he now?"

Thunder: "Great job Megatron!"

Terra: "Very good show!"

Fear: "They couldn't take the heat!"

Waspinator: "Waspinator wish he was Megatron."

Thunder: "We really should have started with you."

Scream: (irritated) "We get it Thundercracker."

Thunder: "Excuse me for being the PC police."

Brim: "As much as I hate to admit it Megatron, I'm incredibly impressed."

Megatron: "I accept your compliment."

Blast: "The way you took them all out made me giddy!"

Megatron: "Where is Jazz? I want to tear him in half."

Dropkick: "The Skywarp clone sucked him up in a black hole."

Terra: (proudly) "It was quite satisfying really."

Megatron: "I see that the only effective people here outside of myself are Splicer and a lifeless shell of our pacifist scientist, you have done well, Skywarp."

The clone makes a floppy arm gesture trying to do a thumbs up.

Megatron: "Now let's circle them up, and Splicer, you may want to cover your eyes in case of anything too graphic."

Splicer: "I know the drill, no worries."

Splicer covers his eyes and turns around at the Autobots are all circled up while being guarded by a Decepticon. Notable pairings include Starscream guarding Cliffjumper, Dropkick with Longarm, and Brimstone with Bumblebee. Payload unloads Carly in the middle, and Spike and Chip hide behind a car while Tyrone and the rest of the military are forced to surrender by the Vehicons.

Megatron: "All right Autobots, we can make this very simple. Where is Optimus Prime?"

Prowl: "We don't know, Megatron."

Cliff: "Don't tell him anything Prowl!"

Longarm: "But we don't know where he is, Cliff."

Megatron: -sigh- "You see it's answers like those that make me very unhappy."

Beach: "You don't scare me man!"

Megatron: "Silence yourself, Beachcomber."

Cliff: "You are nothing but a coward."

Scream: "And you are weak, Cliffjumper."

Cliff: "Funny coming from the guy who only fights when it goes in his favor."

Scream (slapping Cliffjumper) "I will extinguish your spark for that!"

Brim: "Starscream's right, when do we start killing them? I want to carve up Bumblebee."

Ironhide: "Hurt them and I'll hurt you."

Megatron: "You are in no place to make threats, Ironhide."

Beach: "You're just nothing but a dictator man. Optimus is so much better than you."

Megatron: "Come again?"

Beach: "You're just big bully dude, you are the reason the man exists, and I hate the man. Nothing you do is right, and as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather go surfing into Unicron before I ever surrender to you, dude."

Megatron: (mocking) "What a well thought out speech Beachcomber, but there's a small problem with that."

Beach: "What's that?"

Megatron: "This."

Megatron quietly takes out his sword and brutally stabs Beachcomber in the stomach. Prowl struggles to get free to help his friend, but to no success Bumblebee screams and is enraged as he breaks free, but Brimstone kicks him in the back and holds a saw to his face. Beachcomber lies on the floor greatly wounded clutching his chest as Energon leaks across the street.

Splicer: "I didn't see that but it sounds like that hurt!"

Terra: "Ah finally."

Brim: (unable to control himself) "Oh what sweet bloodshed and gore this is. I must finish him to satisfy my lusty cravings!"

Megatron: (nonchalantly) "What a waste of Energon you are Beachcomber. I expected more."

Blast: "Shizz got real son!"

Megatron: "Now what shall we do with the rest of them?"

Thunder: "Kill them!"

Dropkick: "Crush them!"

Terra: "Mount their heads on pikes!"

Fear: "Incinerate them!"

Terra: "That's a big word for you, well done. But yeah that too!"

Payload: "Call them mean names!"

All: "Shut up Payload!"

Tears begin to form on Autobot and human alike as they see Beachcomber still clutching his stomach while the Autobots cry a river.

Side: -sniff- "Prowl, I'm so sorry I ate your Energon-O's."

Prowl: "It's ok, I never eat them as much anymore." -sniff-

Side: "This isn't fun anymore..."

Wheel: (sadly) "I guess this is the end."

Ratchet: "To think it would be like this, being so helpless."

Longarm: "It's been an honor to serve with you guys."

Bee: (bursting to tears) "I don't want to die!"

Ironhide: "Megatron, if this is how we must end, then be merciful and grant us all a swift death."

Megatron: (cleaning his blade) "Very well, Ironhide. I will honor your dying wish."

Cliff: "Goodbye everyone, it was nice knowing you weren't traitors (begins to cry uncontrollably)

Megatron: "Ok so who's next? Ah, I know now."

Megatron takes out his sword, and everyone cries out in sadness and fear as the kids and Autobots see Megatron take a lunge at Prowl.

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