Chapter 1: Project

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Andy's P.O.V

"Right so today class, for your music project you will have 5 weeks before you perform it in front of the class, and will be assessed." The teacher drones on, I love music but this teacher is boring and now a project. Great.

"You will be doing the project in pairs," me and my best friend Jack instantly make eye contact, "Chosen by me." The whole class sighs before Mr Dean starts reading out the list of pairs.

"Andy Fowler and Ryan Beaumont," oh no, Ryan Beaumont. The fit, popular one. Not my territory at all.

"Sir," I walk up to his desk at the end of the class,
"What?" He mutters clearly fed up by now,
"I was wondering if I could swap my partn..."
"No," he cuts me of,
"But sir..."
"Andrew Fowler I said no! Now if you continue to argue with me you will have a detention tomorrow evening!" He shouts I roll my eyes and head to the door.
"DETENTION!" He screams as I slam the door.

"Looks like the innocent, good kid has a detention," I see Ryan stood in the door way,
"What do you want Ryan?" I sigh,
"Rye," he corrects me "You really hate me so much you want to change partners?" He laughs,
"Keep your nose out,"
"Or what?" He smirks, I turn the other way and walk away from him, "See you soon Andrew..."

I walk away. I'm not going to lie I actually try in school but to be honest the only lesson I care about is music. I take it serious and I highly doubt Rye does. This project is worth 25% of our grade and I'm not going to let Ryan Beaumont mess it up for me...

Welcome to "Weekends" this fanfic is probs gonna be a bit of a mess as it isn't planned out as much but it should be quite abit longer x

Hope you enjoy this fanfic!! X

I'll update as often as possible x

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