Chapter 20: Mine

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Andy's P.O.V

Rye's coming home from the hospital today, his voice is back but it's not as strong as before. The doctors say it won't ever be quite the same again. I just hope they're wrong...

We stayed in contact with Brook and Mikey, they're actually really nice and funny people and we're glad we got to know them. Now every weekend me, Jack, Brook and Mikey visit Rye in hospital. Rye's old friends left him but that doesn't matter, he has us now.

My mum rang up the school saying we won't be in all next week. She's going away on holiday with her friends so Rye would be all alone. I can't leave Rye on his own. Not like this.

Jack drops him back at mine at 12. "Rye!" I smile and hug him gently in the doorway not wanting to hurt him as he's still sore from the accident.

We both get changed into our pyjamas and put on a film. The Greatest Showman. We both sing along to all the songs, well, Rye tries to but struggles at some points. I just lay stroking his hair calmly.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I whisper as the film goes off,
"I wouldn't say okay," he sighs I just kiss his cheek,
"You will be, I'll make sure of it,"
"How are you going to do that?" He grins looking down at me.

I think for a second before kissing him again this time on the lips. Pressing my gentle lips on his rougher ones. I feel butterflies fluttering inside of me as we pull away both blushing heavily.

How are you going to do that? I go over his words once more. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask out of nowhere.
"Will you be mine Ryan?"
"Of course," he kisses my head shyly and I cuddle into him.

At last the boy who I was one scared of, who intimidated me, at last he is mine. The boy who gives me goosebumps every time I see him, every time I look into his gorgeous brown eyes that I could get lost in or see his floppy, soft hair that wouldn't suit anyone but him. The boy who makes my world the best it can be. He is mine. All mine...

"I love you Rye,"

Cute short chapter
But they're together guysss
Hope you liked this x gonna start more planning on my Christmas fanfic tomorrow x
I'll update again soon x

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