Chapter 12: Ryan?

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Rye's P.O.V

I can't see I'm dizzy from all the blood I've lost. It's all nearly over. At last I'll no longer be a burden on anyone else. I won't be able to hurt anyone again. Andy can move on, everyone can move on and live a better life without me in it.

ONE MORE CUT! ONE MORE CUT! The voice in my head keeps yelling at me. ONE MORE AND ITS ALL OVER!

I lift up the blade again...
"Ryan?" I hear voice behind be, I drop the blade somewhere in the long grass losing it, I hide my arms in the sleeves of my hoodie.

"Rye what are you doing here?" I turn to see Andy,
"I uhh- I'm- I was just..." I stutter unsure of what to say, I bite my bit trying to prevent more tears from falling.

"Are you okay?" He asks as he sees the tears glistening in my eyes that are already sore from crying.
"Y-yeah I-I'm fine..."
"No Rye you're not," he sighs taking my hands in his. I wince when his arm brushes my newly formed cuts.

"Rye?" He looks at me before back at my arm, pulling me sleeve back, I don't even try fighting him away. "Oh no..." he stares at my wrists I see his face drop, "Rye, No! God no!" He pulls me closer into him.
"Rye what happened? Why? Are you okay?" I shake my head as he rubs my shoulder gently.

He pulls me into his chest and I lay in his caring embrace, "What happened?" He asks again after a while.
"I-I was thrown out of my house, ou-out of my family..." I whimper,
"I-I'm gay," I cry he wipes away my tears stroking my hair calming me.
"Don't worry Rye... you have me," he whispers gently.

"Right let's go..." he stands up,
"I don't have anywhere to go..."
"Yes you do, you're coming back with me,"
"Are you sure?" I ask nervously,
"Of course I'm never letting you out of my sight again," he takes my hand in his.

Andy saved me, from death. I wanted death but now I want Andy. I know I can't have both. I have to pick one...

Here's a new chapter
Andy found Rye before he could die x
Hope you liked this chapter thanks for reading it x
I'll update again soon x
(Roadtrip in 2 days!!)

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