Chapter 13: Of course

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Andy's P.O.V

I guide Rye back to my house my own bloodstained hand holding him. Yes bloodstained. Stained with his blood...

I never want to let Rye out of my sight again. It hurts me to see him this way, so helpless, there's obviously so much he hasn't been telling me. And I thought he hurt me I can't imagine what it was like for Rye. Been thrown out for been himself, and thinking I hated him, thinking his life wasn't worth living.

I open the door slowly, trying not to wake up mum who I thought would be asleep.
"Andrew Fowler! I was so worried, where were you?" She hugs me in the doorway.
"I told you I went for a walk, but then I found Rye..."

Mum notices Rye stood behind me, she must see that he's been crying, "You can go upstairs to sleep love," she smiles,
"Thank you Miss Fowler," he smiles making his way upstairs,
"Second door ok your right!" Mum shouts upstairs, directing him to my room.

"Goodnight m..."
"Not so fast, explain what's happening, why is Rye here? Wait is this the Ryan your working with in music? The one you're scared of?"
"It is the same person yes," I tell her "but I'm not scared of him, he's different to how he acts, trust me," I say sitting down at the kitchen table.

"What is he doing here Andy?" She asks,
"He was thrown out of his own house," I lower my voice to a whisper "I found him trying to... trying to kill himself."
"Oh my god!" Mum whisper shouts "is there anything I can do for him? Shall I go upstairs to him?"
"No mum it's fine I'll go to him in a minute,"
"Why was he thrown out?"
"He's gay," she nods gently a small smile on her lips.

"So can he stay here with us?" I ask,
"Of course," she smiles,
"Goodnight mum,"
"Night Andy," I smile and head to my room where I see Rye laid asleep in my bed.

He looks like an angel, so perfect, so precious. He doesn't deserve any of this...

Here's a chapter it's not great but I wanted to get something up x

I saw Roadtrip yesterday and OMG IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER (all the audio on my concert vids got messed up so they all had to be deleted tho)

I'll update again soon

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