Chapter 23: Brothers

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Rye's P.O.V

I'm walking back to the house after going out for a meal with Mikey, Brook and Jack. Andy didn't come because he already ate and even though I've only been away from him for 2 hours I miss him like crazy.

"Hey Andy," I kiss him on the cheek and crawl into bed next to him.
"Hey Rye," he replies dully,
"Is everything okay?" I ask kissing him again, he just nods. Andy has been acting strangely recently but surely everything is okay like he says. Right?

"I'm going to take you out for dinner tomorrow," I tell him to cheer him up,
"Uhh... not dinner, how about we just go to the park?" I agree, although it's strange what he said , I let it slide. I'll do whatever makes him happier, as long as it doesn't hurt him and I'm sure a walk to the park won't hurt him.

-the next day-

Andy seems happier in the morning, still tired but better than yesterday. We leave the house and walk hand in hand around the park. Talking about everything and nothing.

That's when I hear a voice behind me, "hello stranger," I turn around to see my older brother.
"Robbie!" I shout out of excitement and surprise I run into his arm, I haven't seen him since before I was kicked out.
"Rye!" I hear two little voices that I instantly recognise.
"Sammie! Shaun!" I hug them both as tight as I can not wanting to let them go.

"We were scared about you bro, thought you were on the streets," Robbie tells me before turning to Andy, "Who's this?"
"Uh... Robbie, this is Andy my boyfriend, I've been staying with him," I say scared for his judgement, he goes to Andy and hugs him.
"Nice to meet you Andy, thanks for looking after Rye,"
"Your welcome," Andy smiles back.

"Rye I'm so sorry we're going to have to leave, mum will be wanting us home, meet us again here same time next week."
"What if mum and dad find out?" I ask dreading that they'd punish Sammie and Shaun this time.
"They won't find out, besides we're all your brothers you have the right to see us."

I smiles as they all walk away, I missed them so much. I can't wait to see them again!

Rye's seen his brothers!!!
I'll update again soon and I'm going to be starting writing my Christmas fanfic soon too! X

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