Chapter 16: They know

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Rye's P.O.V

It's break time now. Me and Andy just performed our song that we called Not Giving Up. I changed the lyrics from girl to boy. I don't know why it just felt right. All I could see for the rest of the performance was Andy's cute smile, it was easily one of the best moments of my life.

I go to Jamie, Lewis and Harry only something seems different, not that I expected them to be all smiley and happy (they never are) but they seem even colder than usual.

"What's up?" I ask Lewis as I lean against the wall next to him.
"Are you jokin?" He grunts, half laughing, half shouting,
"What are you talking about?" I ask confusion rushing through me.
"You know!" Jamie cuts in, "You think we wouldn't notice!"

"Boy it's you and me or nothing!" Harry teases me causing the others to laugh.
"I... I..." I stutter, I didn't think they'd notice, I didn't think anyone would. But now they know. Everyone probably does. Or they will soon. I don't want to be forced out of the closet, not now, not in front of everyone.
"So come on them!" Harry shouts "Was it that pathetic gay's idea or yours?"

I feel a rage of anger pulsate through me as I push Harry against the wall. "No need to be so defensive about your little bitch!"
"He's not my bitch! Don't even bother! Leave him out of this!" I growl at him through my gritted teeth. He laughs and I slap him as hard as I can. 'That was for Andy' i think as I pull away my throbbing hand.

"So are you gay or not them?" Lewis shouts, I feel everyone in the school turn to look at me. A circle has now formed around me and Harry, whose still shaking in my tight grip.

That's when I see him, Andy, in the crowd at the back. Worry all over his face. "ANSWER ME!" Lewis screams drawing even more attention. I watch Andy tense up as he steps forward to try and help me. I shake my head causing him to nod and step back. I'm not letting Andy get hurt.

"Ok Lewis! So what if I am! Yes everyone! You heard it!" I feel my eyes fill up with tears that i try my best to hold back. "IM GAY!" My feet move before I can even think straight. I push my way out of the crowd and leave the school, still feeling everyone staring at me as I walk out...

So here's another chapter!
I'll be updating again asap xx

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