Chapter 28: The End

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The last chapter

Andy's P.O.V

I promised Rye that I'd start eating, but I can't. I need help. His help...

"You okay Andy?" He asks kissing my cheek, he's been checking up on me a lot more and that's why I love him.
"Uhm... no..." I admit after thinking about the question for a couple of seconds,
"What's happened?" He wraps his arms around me,
"I can't eat... I'm too weak..."

"Stop with that Andy, you're the strongest person I know, and you can get through this I know you can!"
"I'm not so sure,"
"You should be! You can't let this end you, don't let this beat you," he kisses me again.

"Come on," he takes my hand in his and leads me to the kitchen. "Sit down," he smiles, I do as he says and sit down opposite him. He hands me a sandwich and I feel sick just looking at it. "Just do your best," he whispers reassuringly as I bring it closer and closer to my mouth.

He watches as I take every bite and smiles brightly when I've finished. "You're amazing you know that," he tells me before we go back upstairs to sleep.

He turns to go to his room that used to be the spare room before he moved in.
"Stay," I say just as he's leaving, he doesn't ask any questions just climbs into bed next to me.

He wraps his arms around me his scarred arms wrapped around my prominent rib cage. We were both weak but we're strong together. We used to be broken now we've fixed each other. I doubt either of us would be here if we didn't have each other.

"We used to meet up at the Weekend, who knew it would end up like this?" Rye says out of nowhere.
"I'm so glad I met you," I say softly, he just squeezes me tighter.
"I love you Andy,"
"I love you too Rye..."

And even though there's so much more to come, even though anything could happen, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters now that I'm safe with the boy I was once scared of. Now that I'm safe with the one I love. Now that I'm safe with Ryan Beaumont...

I don't know what's going to happen in the future but I don't care as long as I'm with Him.

The end

And that's the end guysss!!!
Thank you so much for reading and I'll start my Christmas fanfic soon xx
Thanks for getting this story to 1 in #ryebeaumont !! Xx
It means a lot!! Thanks for reading and I'll write another fanfic really really soon xx

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