Chapter 25: Caught

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(Slight trigger warning- eating disorder)

Andy's P.O.V

Me and Rye take the twins to the spare room and Rye reads them a bedtime story. He's honestly so cute with them! As Rye heads to bed I go to "brush my teeth" by that I mean to get rid of the food I ate earlier.

Sammie's P.O.V

I have a nightmare and wake up, I can't go back to sleep now. I look across the room to see Shaun asleep, who shall I talk to? I don't want to be on my own. 'Rye' I think and head to his room.

I leave the room closing the door quietly behind me. Im walking to Andy and Rye's room when I hear a noise coming from the bathroom. Curiosity gets the better of me and I cautiously push open the door.

I see Andy kneeled over the toilet his fingers deep down his throat. He gags again as he removes his fingers. He looks up to see me, tears running down his face and sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Andy?" I walk over to him and sit opposite him on the bathroom floor.

Andy's P.O.V

"Andy?" I hear a voice in the doorway, I don't look up straight away, I'm stressed it isn't working. Why isn't it working? I feel myself getting fatter already. I finally look up to see Sammie. Oh no! What do I do? What if Rye finds out?

He sits opposite me and sees the pain in my eyes before hugging me. "What's wrong?" He asks innocently,
"Nothing's wrong Sam," I say weakly,
"It is, you're crying," he hugs me tighter, I don't know what to say, what to do.

"Hey promise me something Sammie," I say softly, "don't tell Rye, or anyone please..." my voice cracks and I bite my lip to hold back tears. I hate been this vulnerable in front of people.

"Will that make you feel better?" He asks innocently,
"Uh... yes," I force a smile, "Why are you awake anyway?" I ask moving away from the conversation.
"I had a nightmare," he says quietly,
"That's okay... I get them too," I admit as he cuddles up into my on the bathroom floor.
"Can you sing to me?" He asks shyly "that's what Rye does." I nod before starting to sing a song that I wrote:

'You might be so far away,
For my heart I know you'd wait,
I wasn't worried,
Cause I knew you were mine,
I wasn't worried,
Cause I knew this was right,
And we'll be 47, 87,
All of our lives.
I wasn't worried,
Cause I knew you were mine'

I hug him as he sleeps softly, I can't decide whether he saved me or put me in danger. Now I'm in danger of Rye finding out...

Here's a new chapter there isn't actually that much of this story left but there's still afew more chapters ! Xx
I also might be seeing Roadtrip on Sunday but I'm not positive yet🤷‍♀️
Thanks for reading and I'll update soon xx

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