Chapter 8: Jack Duff

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Rye's P.O.V

I can't take this. I'm not okay. I'm really not, I need help, help that I can't ask for. Help I can't get. I want to escape from my own body, from my own mind.

This is why I act so different in school, because I'm scared of the person I really am. I hate the person I really am, I wish I was someone else.

I run out of the house unable to cope with the emotions bubbling up inside of me. I run away from the house till I get far enough away to let myself cry. Where no one can hear me. No one can know I'm weak.

I fall to my knees my emotions coming out in a scream like sob, rivers of tears streaming from down face. My head rings as I cry even more. I cry until it's dark, until I can't breath anymore, until my eyes can't form any more tears. Until the blood on my wrists has dried.

I hear footsteps behind me, it look up my vision still blurry. "Rye?" A small voice asks,
"Jack?" I look up wiping my eyes, I question running away from him, I bet I look pathetic, I didn't want anyone to see me, not like this.

"Are you okay?" He asks, I shake my head slowly "Oh my god! Ryan," he jumps down to the floor next to me as he notices the newly formed scars on my wrists.

He lifts up my arm gently, "it's fine," I pull it out of his reach,
"I... I'm g... I'm gay..." I stutter, I expect him to leave, like I'm sure everyone else will when they find out. Instead he just pulls me into a hug.

"There's nothing wrong with being gay," he whispers still holding me in his arms,
"E... easy for you to say," he laughs,
"I'm gay too Rye, I think I'd know." I've never really spoke to Jack before tonight but he's seen me at my lowest and he's still here.

"Does that," he points at my wrist "have anything to do with Andy?" He asks gently, oh yeah I realise, him and Andy are best friends.
"Don't tell him please," I whimper,
"I won't," he whispers, "I think we should go home,"
"I don't want mum and dad to see me like this..." I point at my red, sore eyes. "I'll sleep out here tonight," he pulls me up softly.
"I'm not leaving here without you you would freeze, come with me," he holds my hand and takes me to his house, where we talk all night.

Heyyyy here's another chapter for yaaa I'm gonna try and do quite a lot of writing today so should be a new chapter soon xx
Also if you want go follow my insta @takerandyhome xx
Update soon x
@tvrtnhc x

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