Chapter 27: Promise

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Rye's P.O.V

I wait until Sammie and Shaun leave before I go and speak to Andy. After what Sammie told me I'm worried about him, more than ever. I don't know what's happening with him, I have a hunch I just hope I'm wrong...

"Andy?" I walk back to our room, I see him sat peacefully on his bed with his earphones in. He's silent, normally I'd see that as normal, now I see it as a cry for help.

"Andy?" I repeat so that he can hear me this time, he takes of his earphones. He smiles at me but now I can see that the smile is fake. Why couldn't I see it before?

"What's wrong fovvs?" I ask settling down opposite him on the bed.
"What do you mean?"
"I think you know, don't lie Andy, just talk to me, please..."

"Look there's nothing wrong Ryan!" He shouts, suddenly all defensive before standing up to leave but I block the door,
"Is that why you've been throwing up your food?!" I shout back,
"How did yo- I'm- I- how did you find out?"
Oh no, what I thought had happened has, my worst nightmare has come true... "I had a good guess," I pull his tiny shaking body towards me and cuddle him gently rocking him softly in my arms.

"Since when?"
"A- a few months ago..."he stutters. I gasp I can't believe this has been going on months and I haven't even noticed noticed. I'm supposed to be his boyfriend! I can't even imagine what he's been going through.

I keep thinking it over and over and it makes me feel sick that he felt, feels like he has to do that. "Why?" Is the only word I can get out.

"I'm no- I'm not good enough. You deserve better, I was trying to be better for... for you..." he whimpers through tears,
"Andrew, you are perfect, you are good enough you're perfect for me, you don't need to change. Promise me you'll stop please..."
"Bu- I..."
"Promise me,"
"...I promise...."

Why is the world so cruel to the most precious people?

Here you go here's the new chapter x
I'll update again soon x
Post again soon

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