Chapter 9: Talk to me

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Andy's P.O.V

It's Sunday and I'm going out to watch a film with Jack. We haven't met up since the day I told him I was gay and he found out about me liking Rye. I don't want him to bring it up. I don't want to think about Rye...

I hear a knock at the door and put my shoes on before heading downstairs to answer it. "Hey Andy," he smiles as I open the door.
"Hey Jack," I smile back as we start walking to the bus stop together. "What film are we watching?"
"You'll see," he smirks.

"Love Simon?" I ask, as the film comes on,
"Yep," Jack smiles as the film starts.

The movie was actually great and I definitely didn't cry. "Why did you choose that?" I ask as we leave the cinema,
"Because you're gay too," Jack says quite loud earning a couple of stares from people nearby.
"I am aware of that, and the whole world doesn't need to know." I slap his arm playfully as he laughs at my embarrassment.

We get back to my house and lay on my sofa in our pyjamas. I get a message and Jack passes me my phone smiling a little as he reads the message himself.

Rye: Talk to me

I read the message but I can't bring myself to reply, I turn my phone off.
"What are you doing?" Jack asks, "Aren't you gonna reply?"
"No," I sigh
"Come on Andy, give him a chance, you still love him right?" I nod looking down, that's what makes all of this hard, I love him. "Andy, trust me, talk to him, and you've still got your music project to do with him remember."

Oh god the music project I forgot! We only have 3 weeks left, I'm going to have to write some more lyrics. I try thinking of some ideas whilst me and Jack chat, nothing comes to mind, I need him to help. I need Rye. And not just for the music project.

I get my phone out again and look at the message he sent me:

Rye: Talk to me

Andy: ok

Sorry this chapter is really bad it's just a filler tbh x
Hope you enjoyed it anyway I'll update again soon with a better chapter hopefully x

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