Chapter 22: Mum

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Andy's P.O.V

When me and Rye get home we see that mum is back. She's been away on holiday with her friends all week. We haven't seen her while been officially together. Shall I tell her? Shall I try and keep it secret?

I still haven't talked to Rye about how I feel, about him dropping my hand in public and acting like "just friends". I don't want to be over dramatic. I don't want to cause unnecessary problems. Everything will be okay. I hope.

Stress evident on my face Rye takes my hand in his, "Don't worry,"
"How do you know what I'm thinking about?" I ask quietly as we walk towards the front door.
"I don't, but worrying means you suffer twice,"
"What's that quote from?" I grin,
"Fantastic Beasts," he laughs as we walk inside.

"Andy! Rye!" She hugs us both in the hallway, "I missed you both!" She smiles, she treats Rye like her own son now. "So what have I missed? Has everything been okay? How's your voice Rye?"

"My voice is a lot better Miss Fowler,"
"That's amazing! I told them doctors that you'd get through it! And don't call me Miss Fowler, call me... uhh... mum,"
"Okay..." Rye smiles "okay mum," finally Rye has the mother figure he needs and deserves.

"So are you two together yet?" She asks us,
"MUM!" I shout laughing,
"What? You both like each other!" She chuckles, as we both blush.
"Uh... yes actually mis...mum," Rye tells her.
"Look after each other,"
"We will," me and Rye both reply in sync.

So that was easier than I thought. I guess mum knows everything probably sometimes before we do.

"Brook has invited us all out for dinner," Rye announces, "are you coming?"
"Uh... no I- I already ate," I lie,
"You sure?"
"Yep," I give him a fake smile, I hate lying. Especially to Rye.
"Right see you later then," he pecks me on the lips before leaving.

I need to start changing now, I can not get any fatter. I need to be the perfect boyfriend for Rye. Just like he's the perfect son for my mum.

Another quite short chapter but there'll be longer and more interesting chapters coming soon xx

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