Chapter 6: Words

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Andy's P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of a text, I pick up my phone to see a short message from an unknown number:

Rye: 'Hey Andy, this is Rye can we meet up we need to talk..."

I ignore the message until I can no longer resist the offer. We need to talk. For the sake of the music of course. The least I can do is try and work things out, but I can't promise anything, not after how he made me feel...

I text the number, that I now know to be Rye, telling him to meet me at the park in 30 mins. I grab my coat and head to the park sitting on a bench amongst the flowers looking around for him. That's when I see him in a black hoodie walking in through the gate.

"Andy I..." he starts talking as he sits next to me,
"Why?" I cut him off just wanting to get to the point, I'm afraid I already know the answer but I need to know for sure.
"I... I was embarrassed," he puts his head down,
"Thought so,"  I get up to leave again, that's all I needed to know.

"Andy! Don't go! I'm sorry Andy, I am I wish I could take it back! I don't know why I said it..."
"Yes you do!" I cut him off again "You're embarrassed by me, afraid I'll ruin your reputation?"
"I don't care about my reputation!" He shouts,
"Then why do you act completely different in school them?!" I shout back, my heart beating fast with anger and rage.

"I... I've said I'm sorry there's nothing else I can say," he looks down,
"Words aren't enough," I sigh,
"What will be?" He looks up into my eyes, I break the eye contact and walk away unsure of what to say. To be honest I don't know what will be enough.

It was his words that broke me, but his words aren't good enough to put me back together again...

Sorry it's only a short chapter but I haven't had much time to write recently.
Gotta do homework now but...
Anyway I'll update soon x

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