Chapter 5: Can't help loving him

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Andy's P.O.V

"Uh no..." Rye stutters, I feel my heart break in half
"Good," his friend smirks as I turn and rush out of school my eyes filling with tears. I don't know what to do but I can't stay here.

I bump into Jack as I'm leaving, "Andy?" He asks as I look at him he sees the tears falling down my cheeks and pulls me into a hug.
"Can we leave?" I murmur, he nods and we walk back to my house, his arm still resting around my shoulders.

"What's wrong Fovvs?" He asks rubbing my arm,
"It's Rye..."
"Ryan Beaumont?" My heart heaves again as I hear his name, all I can do is nod. "What did he do? was he picking on you? I know he's like that,"
"No it's just he wasn't like that when we met up," I tell him,
"You met up?" He asks again in shock,
"For music, he was nothing like he is in school..."

"What did he do then?"
"He acted like we didn't know each other," I sigh it all sounds pathetic when I say it out loud. "I know I shouldn't be upset, I shouldn't care but I do," I wipe my eyes again.

The room goes silent I can tell Jack's thinking something and not saying it,
"What?" I ask,
"You like Rye don't you?"
"I uh... I don't know... I think so... wait how did you know I was g..."
"You think I wouldn't notice," he laughs and we hug again.

I love Jack, he's so accepting even after all of this, something I thought would be agonising to tell him just came by as a normal conversation. I'm so glad I pretty much came out to him, even now we seem closer, there's nothing he doesn't know about me.

I've decided the reason I was so upset is because like Jack said maybe I do like Rye. But I'm not going to let him hurt me, I'm not letting him into my heart because I know he's going to break it. He's my music partner nothing more nothing less.

He's my attractive, kind, cute, funny, caring music partner. But I can't think like that, I can't let him in when he's too embarrassed to even talk to me.

I hate him for pretending I don't exist but I can't help loving him.

Here's another chapter
It's not long cus I'm currently on the way to sleepover 1 of the weekend but anyway hope you enjoyed this and I'll update soon x

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