Chapter 2: Practice

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Andy's P.O.V

"Andy I've just had a phone call from your music teacher," mum says pulling me into the sitting room as I walk into the house back from school. "You've got a detention tomorrow, what happened?" She asks as I sit down.

"We've been put in pair for a project and I asked to change, he got mardy," I tell her,
"Why did you ask to change?"
"Because I've been put with a popular boy, he won't take it serious, he... I'm kind of scared of him,"
"Aww Andy," she pulls me into a hug, "see how it goes and if it's bad I'll ring up for you," I nod before going to my room.

-The next day-

I wake up early to go to school, I have music again today, probably starting the project in class. We have to write and sing/ play an instrument to our own song. So that means for me sing my own song and perform on my own. I doubt Rye is going to help in the slightest.

"Right, Ryan and Andy," he looks down at his list "practice room four," I nod before heading down the corridor to the practice room, Rye following behind me.

I get my guitar out of the case and start strumming different chords waiting for some inspiration.
"Are you gonna ask me if I have any ideas or?" Rye says from the other corner of the room.
"Why have you got any?"
"Actually I have thanks for asking," he smirks before handing me a piece of paper.

'I'm tryna open up your doors
I know that you've been here before
Girl it's you and me or nothing
You cry yourself to sleep at night
I promise you a better life
Relationships are based on loving'

"Wait you wrote this?" I ask shocked that he actually put effort in,
"Yeah, you don't have to sound so shocked," he laughs,
"Sorry I just wasn't expectin..."
"Don't worry it's fine," he laughs.

For the next half of the lesson we sit singing together whilst I play guitar, it's actually starting to sound good, and Rye has an amazing voice. He's kinder than I thought he was, he's funny, he's just so much more than how he acts with his "friends".

The bell rings signalling the end of school, I put my guitar back in its case whilst Rye rushes of after saying bye, I head back to the class for my detention.

I slowly make my way back, as I reach the class room I see Rye hanging around the class.

"Hey Andy?" He whispers,
"Rye? Why are you whispering?"
"Shhh," he hushes me, "do you want to come to mine at the weekend to practice?" I nod silently, "Here," he hands me a slip of paper with his address on. "Good luck in detention," he smiles.

So maybe Rye isn't as bad as he seems...

Welcome to another bad chapter this story will get better I promise!! Xx
Thanks for reading I'll update soon x

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