Chapter 19: Stronger than they think

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Andy's P.O.V

"RYAN!" I run over to him but he's already unconscious, I lower him onto my lap and rock him gently on the floor. "Wha-what happened?" I ask the two boys who were previously carrying him as Jack calls for an ambulance.

"We heard shouting and saw a group of men attacking him, we shouted them and they just ran off," the boy with blonde, curly noodle hair tells me.
"Well thanks for stopping them," I smile,
"You're welcome," the second boy smiles "I'm Mikey by the way,"
"And I'm Brooklyn, but you can call me Brook."

I nod before introducing myself, Rye and Jack to them. Thank god they were there or else I doubt Rye would even be breathing.

The ambulance comes after a while, meanwhile I play with Rye's hair as I stare at his beautiful broken face, he's dripping with blood. How did this happen?

I hold his hand in the ambulance hoping he'll wake up, the doctors say he'll be ok and will wake up soon. I hope they're right...

Rye's P.O.V

I feel myself wake up, I don't open my eyes straight away scared someone will be waiting for me... I don't want anyone to hurt me anymore.

The more I wake up the more I become aware of my surroundings, of the warm hand holding mine. That's when I decide to open my eyes. Not to see anyone with knifes towering over me but to the same familiar ocean blue eyes that make me feel safe.

"Rye you're awake," he smiles gently leaning in to kiss my nose, I smiles as I feel my face go red. "What happened? Who did this?" He asks calmly after a while,
"It..." I try to say but my voice breaks as I try to talk and I feel my whole throat tighten and throb in pain.

The nurse rushed in as she realises I'm awake. "Finally you're awake Ryan," she smiles before sitting across from me. "We've done a few checks and you will be sore for a few days, our main concern is a slight damage to your trachea. This has put strain on your vocal cords so may in the long run effect your speaking."

That's it. I can't speak. 'In the long run effect your speaking,' the nurses words echo round in my head. I won't be able to sing like before. Andy could obviously see the panic running through me.

"It's okay Rye," he sits next to me on the hospital bed and snuggles me into him. "They're wrong, you'll be able to speak like before, you'll be able to sing," he kisses my head "you're stronger than they think..."

Here's another chapter xx
I've started planning my Christmas fanfic so get ready for that in December xx
I'll update this again soon x

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