Chapter 18: Dont kill me

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(This chapter starts of before Jack and Andy find him)
Rye's P.O.V

I run away from school, I don't want to stay in their anymore. I'm sick of been judged for something I can't help. I can't go home because I'm not welcome there, I don't want to go to Andy's (my new home) because his mum will be too worried.

I decide to go on a walk, to clear my mind. I thought only this morning everything was getting better. Me and Andy kissed yesterday and we just sang our hearts out this morning. How did everything go so wrong?

I thought I was past this but here I am again, questioning life. Again it is only Andy stopping me from ending my life right this moment.

"Ryan Beaumont?" I hear a low grumbling voice behind me, I slowly turn around to face a group of four men. Well three men and one boy, Lewis...

"So I hear you're a little, insignificant, little gay!" The tallest of the men spits at me, I don't say anything I can't bring myself to. "And do you know what gays deserve?" I shake my head as he steps closer. "Nothing..." he whispers in my ear.

I feel a sharp pain in my cheek as he grazes the blade of a pocket knife across my cheek. "...agh..." I mumble,
"Shut up!" Calls another of the men "or we'll make this ten times harder for you."

I bite my lip as I'm pushed to the ground, I'm scared to make a sound. Scared of what they'll do if I say a single word. I stay silent until words fall out of my mouth. "Don't kill me..."

"Oh sweetheart," the third of the men says in a sickening voice as he leans over me, "we won't kill you, but we'll leave you here to die..."

I take another round of punches, I can see Lewis stood behind them smirking. I bet he's loving this, all these years I thought he was my friend.

I picture Andy in my head, hoping it'll ease the pain. I want to be thinking of him when I die. I'm definitely going to die.

"Stop!" I here an unfamiliar voice yells from across the road. I don't open my eyes, even as the heel that's in my chest lift up.

I brace myself for another punch but nothing else happens, surely they can't have just left. I feel two people either side of my lifting me up.

"Brook, what should we do?"
"I don't know," the other voice panics "let's head to the hospital, god Mikey, this doesn't look good."

I swear I hear someone shouting Andy's name but I'm too weak to even look. Suddenly everything goes black...

Here's what happened to Rye,
Find out what happens next in the next chapter xx
Hopefully if it doesn't snow/if the weather is ok i might be seeing Roadtrip in Birmingham again x
I'll update soon,
Also thinking bout writing a Christmas fanfic in December xx

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