Chapter 17: Find him

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Andy's P.O.V

I see Rye rushing out of the school, I'm about to follow him when I hear the headteacher's voice behind me. "And where are you going Andrew?" He asks, I hesitate before turning around to look him in the eye.

"I'm going to find my friend, who if you didn't notice is distraught,"
"Andrew you can not just leave!" He says more firmly,
"Why not?"
"You have to be in school, to learn, you don't want your grades to drop do you? You're doing so well."
"Some things are more important than school sir, sorry but my friend is more important than trigonometry."

I leave the school ignoring his yells behind me. "Woah Andy never thought I'd see you walk out of school like that," Jack catches me up and smiles patting me on the back.
"Never thought I'd see you follow me," I reply not really paying too much attention. My mind is too busy elsewhere,
"I want to help you,"
"Help me?"
"You know find him, find Rye."

I nod I guess there's better chance of us finding him if there's two of us. We go back to my house first, hoping Rye has just gone home. I doubt that's where he'll be but I want him to be there. Safe, not upset, just back to normal.

"Why do you care?" I ask Jack "Why are you coming with me?"
"Because I see how much he means to you, that and I found him quite a while ago... cutting.... I guess I'm worried for him." Jack says biting his lip causing panic to rush through me. I get Jack to tell me everything and then continue to tell him about when I found Rye the other day.

I just hope he's ok and hasn't done anything stupid...

"Mum have you seen Ryan?" I ask as she opens the door,
"Uh no I haven't, what are you two doing out of school?"
"Long story, I'll explain later we've got to go," I say before rushing of.

"Where could he be?" I ask frustrated,
"No idea let's go check round town he might've gone there," Jack suggests, I nod along, I need to find him, make sure he's not just ok but alive.

"Andy!" Jack shouts all of a sudden,
"Wha..." I'm about to say as I turn around to see Rye. Rye been help up by two strangers, he's drifting in and out of consciousness, he's limping and bleeding. A lot...

Find out what happened to Rye in the next chapter x
I'll update again asap either tomorrow or Sunday x
Thanks for reading

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