Chapter 24: Meal

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Andy's P.O.V

I've been loosing weight. Only eating at breakfast, only drinking water, throwing up the food I can't avoid eating. I'm still not good enough, I've nearly lost a stone and I'm still not good enough. I'm not getting stronger, I'm not getting happier, I'm just getting weak. Weak and tired of putting up a happy front, but I have to. For Rye, I don't want him to see how weak I am.

Everything else is great, Rye is happy, mum is happy everything in my life is going great so why am I still like this? Why am I not happy? The only thing I can do is keep skipping meals, keep throwing up. That should make everything better right? Then why isn't it making me feel better?

I feel myself drifting away from Mikey, Brook and Jack too. Mainly because I don't want them to know what's happening. I don't want them to know what's happening in my messed up head. I don't want anyone to.

Robbie, Rye's older brother, is dropping off Sammie and Shaun to stay with me and Rye later. I saw them in the park once but I haven't seen them since. I haven't really spoke to them, I'm scared of what they'll think of me...

I hear a knock at the door and listen as Rye goes to answer it. "I told mum that I was dropping them off at a sleepover and that I'll pick them up tomorrow, so they can stay overnight," I hear Robbie tell him.
"Ok thanks for this Rob, love you bro,"
I know how happy Rye's little brothers make him, and it makes me happy seeing him happy. So nothing can go too wrong, right?

"Hey Andy, meet Sammie and Shaun," Rye introduces his little brothers to me, I go over to them and hug them both gently and say hello.
"We're all going out for a meal later and you are coming this time," Rye laughs, oh no. How do I talk my way out of this one. I don't think I can avoid this one.

-time skip-

"Uh... can I have the pepperoni pizza with fries please," I ask already feeling sick. I don't listen to the conversation all I can think about is how much I want to escape. How much I don't want to eat. How fat I am going to get.

"So are Sam and Shaun okay in the spare room tonight?" Rye asks me snapping me out of my trance.
"Yeah that's fine," I say with a fake smile, how can I be happy when food is coming my way.

I regret every bite as I slowly make my way through the meal. Each mouthful gets stuck in my throat. All I can think is one thing. I can't wait to get all of this out of me when we get home...

Poor Andy😥
Find out what happens next very soon x
I'll update again soon and it's not actually that long till the end of this story which is actually quite sad but then it's nearly Christmas time and Christmas fanfic time haha

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