Chapter 7: I know

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Rye's P.O.V

I've not talked to Andy since we met at the park. I've messed everything up everything he said to me was right. If I care more about him than my reputation then why am I still acting like someone I'm not.

The truth I'm afraid I know but I don't want to think about it. I know that the reason I care so much is because I like Andy, as more than just a friend but he doesn't even see me as his friend. Definitely not now, I'm nothing to him...

I've not even known him long but I can't get him out of my mind. That's when it hits me, I'm gay. I never noticed till now. I never thought about it. I'm gay. I wish I was straight, I grew up been told gay was wrong now here I am looking for a way to rip all the gay out of me to rip Andy out of my mind.

What can I do? Nothing...

Very short one but I'm really busy atm xx
I'll update soon

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