Chapter 21: Insecure

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Andy's P.O.V

"Rye wake up," I place a kiss on his cheek before sitting up. We have to go back to school today after our week off. I can tell Rye is anxious but the last thing I heard was Lewis and his gang had been caught.

We both get ready and set off to school walking slowly our fingers entwined. As soon as we get to the gate he drops my hand. The warmth, the comfort gone. I'm not going to lie. It hurts. It hurts that he's still too embarrassed to hold my hand.

Maybe I'm still not good enough. Maybe it's because I'm fat. That's what I'll do. I'll loose weight. Maybe he won't be ashamed of me then...

My thoughts are disrupted by the bell, we have music first, we should be getting our assessment results back today.

"Ryan and Andy... A*" The teacher announces, I look at Rye whose trying his hardest to stop smiling.
"Well done," I whisper to him,
"I can't believe that, A* that's the best I've ever done at anything" he chuckles quietly. "We go well together," he grins.

At dinner Rye sits with me and Jack, we just talk like we've known each other forever. He fits in with us so well. I wish Mikey and Brook came to our school but they are both home schooled. We still meet up with them most weekends. Rye puts his hand on mine massaging my fingers with him.

How can he act like we're together around our friends but as soon as there's any other people he acts like we're just friends. I know he's still trying to get to grips with his sexuality. I know how hard everything has been and is for him, but it's hard for me too.

I wish I was someone he could be proud with, someone to make him happier. He deserves so much more than me. I need to change. Change to someone he deserves...

Only a short chapter but here you go x
This chapter is just a filler really but I need it so the rest of the story makes sense x
I'll update again soon! Xx

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