B i t t e r

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***(A/N: Whatever you do, don't fucking ask. I'm going to be okay, I just need to fucking vent okay? I was going to make a drawing with nothing to say but my mind is everywhere right now and I don't care if this story goes to shit from that, I just need to vent for crying out loud. So I'll do it this way. Don't worry, I'm fine. Just don't ask.)***

"I feel like vomiting."

The pink hair girl said out loud to herself, her legs feeling weak and shaky as she slowly moved her hands up towards her mouth..her mind spinning everywhere and going into static.

Her vision slowly began to blur from tears that were now beginning to form in her dark pink eyes, her lips slowly quivering as she felt the tears starting to roll down her cheek one by one. Normally, Satou could usually handle any bitterness that would make it's way through that little jar she had filled with sweetness..

This time however...

It was unbearable.

Satou gently placed her hands on her mouth, falling onto her knees as the bitter taste began to flow throughout her entire body, her heart slowly sinking as if someone was stabbing her through the heart very slowly, making each mark painful and causing her tears to start streaming down her cheeks.

"It's bitter...it's bitter, it's bitter, it's bitter, it's bitter!"

She shouted out loud to herself in her mind, letting out a small painful whimper escape through her lips as the bitterness continued to flow throughout her body, burning her up inside. The tears that were running down her face were now begging to drip onto the ground, the sounds of the droplets ringing through her ears clear as day and racing through her mind. She fell over onto the hard cold wooden floor...

Digging her nails gently into her cheeks while slowly curling up and shaking. The bitter taste was now overflowing throughout her entire body, making her whimper out loud in pain as her face began to heat up from the hotness of her salty tears. Her thoughts beginning to roam around through her static mind...

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Her tears began to sting the blue part of her long sleeved uniform, curling up as she gritted her teeth together..feeling the bitterness leak out through her mouth as she trembled while curling up even more.


Her mind screamed out at her, her heart stinging from the pain of the bitter taste clawing at it and tugging onto it's strings, threatening to cause her to whimper out loud in pain and force her tears to run down her cheeks even faster than they already were doing at this point.

Shaking, she slowly began to mumble out painfully to herself in the dark cold room while laying on the hard wooden floor, the moon light shining through her opened window and through the curtains, her legs weakly pressing up against her as she continued to mumble these words out loud painfully to herself

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry....."

The cold air gently blew a small breeze into the room, filling it up as Satou continuously laid down on the ground, still shaking with her tears now forming a small puddle, hugging herself tightly while she kept mumbling to herself throughout the night.

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