Pit of Despair (1)

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**(A/N: I didn't know if I should put this in small stories or not, but since this stuff had...happened but in other times instead of one piece like this chapter and explains how the person felt, I'm keeping it here. And I put a number one by it since I might write something like this again if I feel like it. Keep in mind, The person in this story is NOT like this anymore and has changed.)**


My head immediately gets slammed down onto a hard wooden nearby table, causing me to gasp loud as my head was pinned against it with one hand, I almost scream until the hand moved down and over to my mouth, covering it immediately.

I widened my eyes slightly as I began to squirm and struggle violently, desperately trying to get away from the man that had me held down. My mind was racing along with my heart now nearly beating out of my chest, my screaming and yelling muffled and silenced from the hand that was covering it.

Slowly, I began to shake and uncomfortably move, feeling hot breaths hit against the back of my neck and my ear, hearing heavy breathing and a tiny bit of drool dripping onto my ear.

"You're a pretty girl aren't you?~"

The grown man had now began to slowly lift up my dress, my screaming and struggling becoming more loud and violent..the "thoughts" as I considered them that, screaming out to me. Each of them being different..the sound of the man's pants starting to unbuckle, ringing throughout my head.


Immediately opening my eyes up, I let out a soft yet weak groan. Stars dancing in my vision as I looked around the room, curling up a bit more and making sure that my back was pressed up against the wall since I didn't like being out in open spaces at the moment after what had just happened.

My head had spun around violently while I was slowly starting to regain consciousness. I slowly sat up, making sure that my bed didn't creak and wake up my mother or my brother, even though he usually wore his earphones and listened to music while he was asleep.

Both of my eyes had already felt sore due to crying yesterday, my vision was already slightly becoming blurry as I rubbed both of my eyes and stretched a bit, causing my head to ache a little more.

Letting out another soft groan, I then start rubbing my head, my fingernails digging into my head slightly as I moved some strands of hair behind the back of my ear to make sure that my hair didn't get in my face.

With that, I could feel my stomach aching badly. It felt like as if I was extremely skinny..and it made me feel sick and weak.

Not understanding why though for a bit, a memory quickly snaps back through my head. I had forgotten to eat..again.

Quickly, I stand up onto my feet despite my legs shaking and making me stumble around, Instinctively though I grab onto something to help make me have enough strength to be able to at least walk around.

I was scared..I knew that I had never really ate anything in a while lately, only little snacks like a few crackers or something. Nothing more than that though. Whatever my mom had brought back from going out to eat by herself or with my family or even just food that they would cook including herself, I would always put my food in the fridge and most likely would never eat it and would eventually throw it away.

Either that or I would leave it out saying that I'd eat it and then fall asleep from feeling weak or forget to eat it until it got cold. I hated wasting food, but even with that I still would throw it out sometimes if I knew that I wasn't going to eat it.

This time though I had left my food out onto the counter still covered and untouched, I looked over at the counter at where it had sat..my heart still racing a bit from fearing the fact that I haven't really even eaten..which was why I had felt so weak at this moment. I quickly went over to the counter, grabbing the plate of food and uncovering it.

It was humiliating how I had probably looked at that moment..what kind of 14 year old girl would get up around at 3 AM in the morning and just desperately run over to a plate of food sitting on the counter?

While I uncovered my plate of food, I looked down at it. My stomach feeling weak and telling me to not eat yet at the same time feeling sore. Both of my hands were twitching slightly along with my eyes slightly watering out of being scared..

I didn't feel hungry...

But I had to eat still if I wanted to feel better and well and not slowly kill myself either. I began to eat my food, not caring if it was cold from being left out..I was just desperate to make sure that I wasn't becoming weak.

Still chewing my food, I gently bit down on my lip a little hard, I didn't feel like eating my food and I wasn't hungry either..but I still had to eat. Even if that meant forcing myself to when I didn't feel like it.

Soon after I finish my plate of food, I throw it out in the trash. A frown slowly forming upon my face from the feelings of someone who I had once considered a friend coming back to me, making my heart sting with the painful feeling stabbing through it.

Ignoring it though, I unlock the sliding glass door in front of me and open it, hearing movements coming from the bed that was right next to mine as I turn over to see my mother being half awake, her terrifying tired wide opened eyes looking directly into mine while she sat up and slowly settled back into bed, irritatingly mumbling to herself,

"Fucking kid waking up like a chronic at 3 in the god damn morning.."

I let out a small snicker, going outside and gently closing the door. The cold air hitting against my skin while I made myself able to stand. I walked around a bit..some kids around the neighborhood still playing this late, or people driving pass the road with their music blasting loud in their car that caused the ground to shake beneath me a bit.

Another small laugh escapes from my lips, my eyes staring up and off into the sky..the words from the thing that was considered to be one of my "personalities" echoing through my head.

"Hang in there...you'll find people soon...just...hang in there..."

I grit my teeth together a bit angrily, and mumble to myself and no one but to myself.

"We're not going to find anyone..I doubt it..but I guess...I'll still keep holding on..for now."

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