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"It feels as if I had jumped in
Some sort of crazy endless Ocean
It feels deep, lonely, and hard to get out of

The pressure of it, crushing me
As I keep floating down to where
Or whatever it's taking me towards

I struggle hard to get out of it,
To figure out what to do first
I try to say that I can get out
So I smile and think happily

It doesn't last long however,
As fear, stress, tiredness, and loneliness
All clang and hang onto both
My wrists and ankles

They turn into metal chains
Digging hard into my flesh for a reminder
Each chain having a rock attached to it
All four of them making me sink deeper

Putting more pressure on me
While I feel myself getting nervous from this
But continue to try and think positively
It's slowly fading though with my patience

Just like how the light is fading while I sink
Carefully, I try to swim back up
I'm slowly doing it, but it's not enough
I know that it's not enough to pull me up

Because I can feel myself going deeper
Seeing the light fade away from my sight
With all of the clear water beneath
Becoming not visible to my eye sight anymore

Now I'm more nervous than I already was
Pitch black being all that I can see now
Loneliness creeping it's way up more
And scratching the skin on my back
Making it bleed and burn

This caused all of the chains to grow longer
I'm now struggling to swim but
I can feel myself slowly giving in
Allowing myself to sink more and more

I'm still pulling myself up though
Tiredness is just getting the best of me
Loneliness is making me cry at night
Stress is causing patience to fade
And fear is digging at me while I fight it

Eventually though, I'll get out of it.
Where do I start though?
I have almost everything to help me perhaps
I just don't know where to begin..

I know that I'll figure it out eventually though
And I'll get back to the surface
Even when the waves crash at me

I just need some time for it..."


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