The white Rose stained with Blood

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(Tulip POV)

"Wait! What are you going to do!?!"

I typed fast immediately through the phone of my screen, both of my hands shaking as I waited to get a response. My eyes were watering as I slowly thought out loud in my head..

"Please respond...please...I don't want you to die..stay..please..stay.."

My mouth slowly opened a little, both of my eyes widening immediately from the response that I was sent with. I could feel the colorful hot pink petals that came with my Gerbera Daisy begin to rot after reading the text..

"Goodbye Tulip. I love you."

Covering my mouth slowly with one of my shaky hands, I let out a small whimper. My heart began to ache mind could this have happened?..

I just lost someone that I had cared about...

Tears were starting to pour out from my eyes, I wanted to whimper and cry out loud from how much pain was aching in my chest, feeling like the person who had just once gently brushed their fingers across my petals and had admired my took me off of my stem and began to squeeze me...causing my petals to break off and fall apart..and it hurt badly...

-The next day-

Laying in my bed with my hair all tangled and knotted while still being in a bun, not even getting a bit of sleep after last night either, both of my eyes were already sore after what had happened last night.

I was so panicked that I had forgotten about eating my didn't matter to me right now though.

The person who I had considered my friend, was now dead for sure and I couldn't do anything about it to help them.

Yet I had the strength to at least sit up with both my head dizzy and my vision blurry and sore due to how much I have cried and tried to kept myself quiet that way the others couldn't hear me.

But I noticed that I had gotten a notification..a familiar one..

Slowly, I picked up my phone and typed in my password, scrolling down to read the text..feeling my heart sank from reading it.

"Hey Tulip. I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry about last night. I lied because I thought that you or the others wouldn't have cared about me if I were gone, I'm such a terrible friend and I hate myself. I'm sorry."


Both of my teeth had gritted together slightly, my eyes focusing on nothing but the text. How could they do this to me?..

How could they do this to everyone else who was friends with them too!?! All of us had worried! And thought that they were actually going to do it and had tried helping them and they had just left us with that message left!

It was could they hurt me and others like that just to see if we had really cared when we do care?...

(Mangox POV)

"She might have killed herself."

Those words rang through my head, not knowing how to feel at this point. The memories of someone who I once used to know, who would go out of their way to see if people who do this stuff are actually okay or not. But now?

Now I didn't really know how to feel after all of this. I've been told this so many times already, spending each day or night crying my eyes out while my chest was aching and trying hard not to yell out from the pain while worrying to the point where I don't even know how to react from it now.

Hahaha, I guess I could say that I've gotten used to it. But..all of those old friends that I used to help and stuff..they weren't really this close and all..and kind of didn't really take any talks seriously and would always role play in them..this though?

This was a friend who was different to me, and wasn't like my old friends. All of my current friends were like that to me...


It felt like this little white rose of mine that had been blank and colorless through this situation had just been splattered with a dark crimson red color..

Staining the white rose with it's color and causing my eyes to slowly widen, the burning feeling of them both starting to water, making me question it now.

"What's going on?...What is this feeling?...I haven't felt it in a long time...Why is it coming back so suddenly now?..."

My body had began to shake and slowly curl up into a ball, my breathing softening as I was trying to keep myself calm. This was weird..I haven't felt this feeling in so long and now it's just coming back..

The little white rose is starting to become stained with dark crimson red blood.

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