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**(A/N: This is a positive vent for a special someone since I wanted to cheer them up and make something for them..even if they already are probably better right now. If you see this, I hope you like this. I love you ♥️)**

"There's a couple of days or so left.."

I thought out loud inside of my own head, looking in front of me as I walked beside Spencer throughout a park that we walk around.

The sky was gray, and no one was really around at the moment except for the two of us while it was raining a little. It was quiet..and I could only hear the sounds of our footsteps that had filled up the emptiness surrounding us along with the tiny droplets of rain hitting against the ground.

While looking around my surroundings, I slowly took a small glance at Spencer, wanting to see his face. I hated making eye contact since I would be too shy to stare back at someone in the eyes even though I wanted to look into his..so I just wanted a quick look at him.

As I did so, his eyes moved over to stare back into mine, making him turn his head over to my direction and causing me to stop dead in my tracks while my face heated up. He smiled at me and laughed a little,


I looked down at the ground quickly, tucking my hands into the pockets of my jacket as I tried to come up with an excuse,

"N-Nothing. I just..looked around to see where we're going..."

I mumbled, fiddling with my hands a little bit into the pockets of my jacket, Spencer smiling at me and giving a small cute,"Okay" response as we continued our way around the park.

Both of my cheeks were a little red from the thoughts that I wanted to do at the moment, scenes racing throughout my entire mind of what I've been wanting to do with Spencer..I wanted to hold his hand..look into his eyes..give him a kiss on his lips while we stood in the rain..and so much more..

"I..I'm going to try.."

My mind thought out loud. Instinctively, I quickly moved my hand towards Spencer's hand, grabbing a hold of it as I felt myself shaking. Despite it being a little cold, I could feel myself warming up a little bit from holding Spencer's hand.

He turned and looked at me, a smile forming across his face as he held onto my hand,

"If you wanted to hold hands Alea, you could've just asked~"

"I...I didn't want to hold hands!"

I quickly sputtered out, embarrassed from admitting the truth. Silence filling the air for a few seconds, Spencer tilting his head and looking at me,

"If you didn't want to hold hands..then what did you want to do?"


A small thought raced within my mind, and I carefully looked up away from the ground into Spencer's eyes..by now I'm sure that I would've been unable to feel my face at this point but..

I didn't this time...

In fact, I was actually feeling like time was going by slowly for the two of us as we stood in the middle of the rain, looking into each other's eyes. My lip quivered a bit..I felt like stuttering this..but I didn't,

"I wanted a kiss.."

Without feeling my face go red, I slowly leaned in and gently pressed my lips against Spencer's, kissing him softly and lovingly as I held his hand a little tightly in the rain, pulling away after a bit.


He chuckled at me after pulling away, pecking my cheek softly while slowly removing his hand from mine, my grip quickly tightening around his hand before he could continue to walk as I held onto it and looked at him,

"I want to hold hands with you on the way home while it's raining...and I want to cuddle with you underneath the blankets too while we both relax since it'll be pouring by then..okay?..."

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