Thank you.

23 3 4

I slowly leaned my head against the wall with my eyes closed, it was dirty as usual since the whole front yard was due to the people that I was living with constantly wanting it to be that way no matter how many times my mom and I cleaned it.

But right I didn't care if it was, I was already stressed and didn't really get any sleep from earlier in the day..and it didn't matter that much to me if my clothes were dirty from not only being asleep but leaning against this uncleaned wall with my hair a mess from not brushing it.

Right now I could only just enjoy the cool air while the stars danced in the sky with the moon shining, and that is all...


I let out a gasp, opening my eyes quickly and jumping back a bit while frantically looking around me. My heart had already dropped from hearing the noise, and then..


While calming myself down I quickly turn around to see who it was, hopefully not an intruder. But..I didn't see an intruder. I saw a boy, a handsome boy that I might recognize. He looked like my age and a little taller than me, he slowly held his hand out towards me through the gate while standing on it. I blushed a little from my shyness, slowly reaching out for it..and that's when he said..

"Sup nigga. You looked lonely around here soo, wanna join me and my group? It's kind of close around here."

Embarrassed, I slowly pull my hand away and blush even more, my words stuttering from my mouth until I calm myself down,

"O-Oh. S..S..ahem..Sure. I can join you guys..I guess..not too long mom would be suspicious of why I'm gone once she wakes up.."

My voice became quieter towards the end of my sentence, part of my crazy, messy hair covering a little bit of my face while I shly rubbed my arm.

"Aight, Let's go!"

He held out a hand for me while still standing on the gate, my eyebrows raising before saying,

" do know that if you stand on that gate too long since the wall is broken a bit, it's going to fall on you.."

"Oh shit."

The boy quickly jumped down, and I jumped on the gate quick enough to get through it without making a loud noise, letting out a small grunt after jumping down and landing onto my feet. I dust myself off and look at him,

"By the way, my name is Spencer. Just wanted to make sure that you would recognize me haha."

"My name is Alea..and no worries, I remember you now..."

That name was recognizable to me now. I talked to Spencer a few times but I haven't exactly been with him or his group of friends before.

Spencer moved his head in a gesture of getting me to follow him down through the road, I nodded and started walking along with him. The place that I couldn't stand staying at beginning to go out of my sight as we walked further away from it.

(A t  T h e  H o u s e)

Loud faint music could be heard through the door, and most of the lights seemed to be on. I could hear the laughter of people inside there. I look over at Spencer and nervously stuff both of my hands into my jacket, the door opening while Spencer slowly pulled me inside of the house.

A group of friends were all sitting in a circle right around a couch, a few more people sitting on them and some others around either the room or corners. I watch as one dude sat down and played his guitar, everyone listening and talking to one another. I had never seen or heard anyone play guitar before honestly..the only thing that I've seen is someone do magic tricks.

Everyone started saying Hi and waving their hands on me, causing me to get nervous but manage a smile on my face as I waved back, a quiet, "Hello.." escaping from my lips.

They all had ushered me to take a seat with them, I decided to sit down with all of them and talk along with everyone. I could already feel myself beginning to break loose from my shell of me being shy, while everyone was speaking I watched Spencer turn on the speaker a bit louder and play some of his music, the guy with the guitar who was named Silverio playing along.

Divia sat around laughing and giggling with Sam, Sam laughing at the dirty jokes that Spencer made which caused me to let out a fake gag. That caused everyone to laugh including me, so far I was having a lot of fun.

I've never been in a group that's made me feel like that I belong in it or show this much care at least, it made me feel like I was having a good time despite everything that's going on back at my place.

Another person sat next to me, I smiled a little and waved at him. He waved back and talked with the group and I, suddenly and purposefully growing loud. I cover my ears and make suffering noises as a joke,

"Ben no more you're making my ears die! Ack! DX"

I gag while covering my ears, Ben making sure that he was louder as I fell over and rolled around a little, laughing with the rest of the group.

This fun had went on for a while until I realized what time it was. I slowly sat up and looked at everyone, announcing that I had to go. Some people were a little upset at it, and others said bye and that they'll see me around. I waved as I walked out of the house, Spencer outside and sitting on a chair with Silverio while the two of them talked.

Both seemed to notice me walking out of the house and I could see Spencer saying something to Silverio, Silverio nodding and going back inside of the house with Spencer walking over to me,

"Where are you going? Did you like everyone here??"

I walked towards the fence and looked at Spencer, laughing a little,

"Yes. All of you seem to really care about each other a lot and you're all really funny and good friends from the looks of it. I like it here."

A smile formed across my face as I opened the gate to the fence, looking at Spencer,

"Well..I have to go right now or I'll be in big trouble and get caught as much as I want to stay here...I'll come back again though Spencer."

Spencer frowned a little and nodded, giving me a soft smile and then walking towards the door to go have fun with the others that were waiting inside for him, I stop in my tracks before closing the gate and getting ready to leave,

"Hey Spencer."

He turned around while looking at me, waiting to see what I was going to say before I was getting ready for leaving,

"Uh..Thank you a lot for bringing me here. I had so much fun tonight, I'm glad to be apart of your group..Goodnight for now hehe.."

I stuttered out and closed the gate to the fence, leaving before Spencer even got the chance to say anything. All I knew is that I was happy that I had joined him and his group, and for once got to make friends and feel like I belong with them..

Thank you..

(To be honest, I wrote this since I kind of miss some of the good times that I had with my group of friends last year around the end of summer even if I missed a lot..I was really happy when I came across everyone since I was so lonely back then.

But I had some fun there. I wish some parts of it was back even if all of it has changed and stuff. It was awesome being around there,

But I did notice something a little that might seem sad. All of us have a life and everything, and most of us are getting close to the adult years which means that we'll be more busy with stuff and all. So the group may not be active as much and some of us might go our own ways.

No, I'm not saying that we're all going to forget each other and shit, I'm just saying that things are changing and all even if we miss some of the past stuff that we've had back then. All I can do is hope that one day I meet my friends like I've wanted to even if most of us are eventually going to be more busy with life.)

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