💙(Positive vent)

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(A/N: If you see the song then shush, I remembered it and decided to put it here since this is a positive vent)

The white wolf/deer hybrid animal ran through the snow, her paws hitting the freezing cold ground as the wind blew loudly, pushing her fur back and letting the cold breeze run across throughout her entire body.

She continued running through the cold snow storm, fighting back at the howling wind that was daring to knock her down by her paws at any moment and mock her for it.

Just then though..the wind blew loudly at her, pushing her and threatening to knock her down as she tried to sprint even faster, her eyes widening as she let out a loud gasp, her breath escaping through her mouth and visibly showing in the cold air as she fell over, a small yet loud cracking sound being heard along with a loud agonizing yelp coming from the creature.

"AGH!!" She cried out in pain, crashing down into the snow, her face landing into it and causing some of it to fall onto her blue flower crown that Tulip had given her that she was wearing on her head, some of it's pedals slightly falling off and into the snow, fading away into it as more snow fell onto the pedals. She shook, gritting her teeth and chattering them as the wind kept blowing and moving along with her white fur...her left front paw was now somewhat fractured and slightly bleeding from the wounds she had endured earlier while running away throughout the storm.

Tears slowly began to form in her eyes from the pain as she began to move herself up, weakly limping in the storm as she felt her paws about to give out, the agonizing pain and brutal storm mixed together we're too much for her to bare..


Her Lemon grass green eyes sparked up throughout the storm suddenly, a determined yet hopeful look shining across her face as her ears began to perk up. Her body stiffening for a moment as the energy rushed throughout her body, filling her up with the little spark of hope that she had clung onto.

Thoughts raced throughout Spruce's entire mind, egging her on to continue running and not giving up no matter how painful and unbearable her wounds were.

"You're going to get through this...you're going to make it through this..you can make it..I know that you can make it...I know that you can!!!"

Spruce let out a loud snarl, gritting her teeth together hard as she forced herself to completely stand up, not allowing the brutal storm's wind to knock her off of her feet again and push her around like some rag doll. As she stood on all fours, she winced silently from her somewhat fractured paw, the digital pads of them begging to freeze up, feeling like they were starting to form frostbites on them.

"I...Can..Do...This..." She growled at herself frustratingly, the pain from her wounds almost getting to her.

She stood tall, forcing herself to walk throughout the cold unforgiving ground, letting out soft yet muffled grunts as her paws made contact with the cold icy snow.

"D..Do this for you...Do this for them!!!" She shouted out to herself, her eyes sparkling up more as she began to run again, avoiding to cause more damage towards her almost completely fractured left paw.

Letting out a soft laugh and a smirk rising upon her face, she ran throughout the storm, not daring to allow herself to give out, her heart still clinging onto the hope that had ran through her body.

"Everything is eventually going to be okay...I know that it will be...I'm sure that it will be...I'm going to make it...we're all going to make it..."

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