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"Yeah well, they were jerks so don't let them get the best of ya."

Alea laughed with her friend, even if they were talking about sad stuff that had happened in their past lives, they both were laughing it off. It was late for the both of them and Alea had a good time talking to them about it and having a good laugh out of the dumb shit that she used to do,

"I mean. I could give less of a shit about my grandparents and uncle if I'm being honest."

She smiled sheepishly and let out a small laugh while resting her chin on her hand,

"Yeah. I really wish you could've killed your sick abusive uncle though. People like him deserve death."

"Nah, I don't wish death upon him anymore now but nor do I wish anything good on him. He's suffering enough already but I just don't care about him honestly."

Her friend raised his eyebrows towards her,

"In what way is he suffering? That bastard should be in jail."

A small laugh went out from Alea,

"Think about it. He has to live with knowing what he's done, he's a low life, as well as a terrible parent, brother, uncle, husband, etc. and now he lives off with others to survive."

"Yeah, I guess I could see that. But it still isn't really enough."

"Ah, don't worry. I just don't care about him really anymore or put blame or get hung up about it like how I used to. I just question it sometimes now.."

Both of her eyes moved towards the concrete, the sick memories crawling up her back. None of them would really get to her now since she didn't care, suddenly though..

The pain of the memories and the scary remembrance of her uncle's grin came back to her, sinking it's nails deep into her back and digging deep through her flesh.

"'s Uh..kind of funny..."

She chuckled, her eyes feeling strange as she rubbed her arm. The sore feeling of being grabbed and lifted up by them coming back and itching at her very being for the feelings to be released,

"I'm not so used to sharing this with my friends without feeling like I've made them awkward or uncomfortable and I appreciate this but I just had the feelings of what he done hit me..."

"What he done?"

"Uh..yeah know? The pain and stuff..I don't mean to sound weird and stuff but it would really just hurt with what he did to me. I just remember hiding, no hope of escaping was there for me. I remember not being able to move or breathe and everything would hurt..and I just..."

The imaginary cork from her bottle finally unscrewed, falling over and pouring out some of her emotions, Alea began to tear up as some tears streamed down her face,

"I don't understand why either. I just wish he hadn't done that..I think I'm starting to actually cry ahaha..."

Ales let out a painful laugh filled with hurt, her friend looking censored,

"I'm sorry for talking about this. I didn't want to make you feel like cryin-"

"No, no! It's not's uh..confusing haha, but with victims who go through this most of them, once they just start to not care they really don't, but that doesn't mean we don't have our moments here and there and get sad about it's confusing, I'm sorry.."

"Don't be. I just don't want to make you cry."

He frowned a bit, watching her tears stream down her face,

"You didn't. This is..good I think. I'm just letting out pent up emotions that I didn't really notice were around up until now. I really appreciate you talking to me about this..I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable honestly.."

"Hey. You let me vent to you, so don't worry. If this is helping you then I'm glad."

A smile formed upon her face slowly, she used the sleeves of her hoodie to wipe her face while letting out a small sniffle,

" means a lot honestly. I don't care about my grandparents and don't need them or my uncle, but I just miss the good memories we used to have and I just wish they believed me..."

Her voice sounded weak and hurt, doing her best to get a hold of herself rather than let everything pour out all at once,

"Don't worry though. I don't need them or anything. I just miss them is all..thanks again though for talking about this with me..."

"Of course. You're a good friend, I'm here to listen."

"Thanks.." She sniffled, wiping away the tears from her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face.

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