Blood doesn't wash off with water

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Icy cold rain crashed down in large drops that's struggled to melt from ice into water. Causing large hail to rain down into the earth, destroying anything soft in its path, creating dents in what was hard and scaring as many dogs as it made as bang when it collided with metal.

It was a night that everyone sound be barricaded inside, warm and close with loved ones. And they were. Every door and window locked, the smell of human drenched out with the smell of rain.

Everyone was inside.
Everyone except Jack.

The man dragged himself through the mud the forest created with the water falling from the heavens. Jack's shoes had long been sucked into the ground, never to see the light again. Mud latheredJack's feet and calf's,some splashing as high as his waist. But he kept wadding through his obstacles.

" Felix, Felix, Felix" Jack chanted, his voice low and his growl echoing in his ears.

The Irishmen made a right, towards Felix's home. The one he shared only with himself, he may have another in town but this one was his hide out. This was were Felix would go to flee or simply hide out. He didn't know that Jack knew about it. It was the safest hiding spot. Until now.

Jack approached the home, a more modern feel to it. Flat, clean black panels with large windows shielded with metal cages to keep them smashing in the hail. A large waist high deck was what Jack hit before he got into the home.

A few steps a few meters away was too long to walk for the human so he vaulted the difference, his feet's slipping on the polished wood because of the mud caked onto them. He staggered, like a drunken fool up to the protected window, his hand making a claw for his fingers to hook in the small holes that let the air through the metal.

Jack huffed, his breathy must getting lost in the rain. His hair dripping onto his face and his body worn. But he kept going, he always kept going, he's never die and he'd never slow. Not when he had a goal in mind.

In time with a crack of thunder Jack banged on the metal, his fists doing nothing that he hail didn't already done. He quickly grew frustrated and began to rack at the door, both fists flying as haphazardly as a toddlers would.

Inside Felix was startled from his book and his drink. His keen ears heard the untimely clatters of what seemed to be a bit too quiet for thunder, a bit to frantic and smelt a bit to human.

Felix's eyes trailed over from his book to the mangled mess that had began to smell in the corner of the room. What once resembled human remains now sat as a bloodless corpse of a skinny human. His blue dead eyes staring back at his murdered.

" I'd say sorry Ryland, but I really don't give a shit".

Another clatter on his window was what pulled Felix's gaze away from his leftovers.

The blond man stood from his grey sofa, his feet padding on the white tile floor. He made his way to the core of the noise. His body length window that sat at the living room, when open providing a good view of the forest. Jack's cabin could be seen as well as Ethan's which presented itself as a small dot on the horizon on clear days.

Felix has just stepped with a few meters of the window when the metal cracked on the other side. It only took Jack a few more seconds to wedge his fingers in the crack and rip the sheet upwards, just enough to climb inside, after he kicked the glass hard enough to shatter of course.

Felix watched, his jaw nearly hitting the floor as Jack stepped inside. The humans fingers bled badly from the metal ripping his cells apart.

" Not even I can dent that-".

" SHUT UP" Jack yelled, his voice deep and demonic.

The man stepped towards his prey, his smile gleaming in the light from the kitchen. He spat out the small amount of blood that had accumulated from his throat. It landed on the white tile, staining it forever.

" Time to go to hell Felix".


Mark looked at Shane, both boys making the decision that could very well end their life. Shane wanted to protect the people of the town, there was no doubt that Mark would snap before he got to his destination. Mark wanted to save Jack from himself, stop a murder from happening.

Both wanted to do what they thought was right.

Suddenly, Mark shook his head, the action causing him pain. The vampire death glares the human. Ordering him silently to move.

" No" Shane said, his voice racking with fear.

Mark turned his lip up at the human. His thoughts lead him to the possibility of killing him, but he wouldn't be able to do it no in the condition that he was in. But as Mark felt hungry grilling at his consciousness, he thought that maybe he didn't have a choice.

" You're not leaving until I know that everyone is safe. I won't let you burst into town with a theist for blood" Shane sternly said.

Shane man eyes searched the floor, like it would help him gain the courage he would need for his next decision. He wouldn't let Mark run into town and kill everyone. He'd already let enough people down.


Shane shook the image from his head, white fangs ripping through Ryland flesh. Shane should have knew better than to tell Felix no.

" Drink from me" Shane blurted out, the words feeling like acid down his throat.

Mark was taken back by the statement, visibly staggering back a few steps. His eyes conveying all the confusion and worry they needed to.

" I've already lost everyone, might as well save a few people on my way out" Shane spoke his voice and will already leaving his body.

Mark shook his head, grunting like a wild animal. The sound came out gargled and painful, he didn't have vocal chords to speak. But if he did, he'd be screaming for Shane to run.

But it was too late.

Mark felt the familiar scratching feeling of his stomach demanding food from inside. His bones began to creak into stature mode.

His skin was already beginning to flake off on his neck.

" It looks like Rigor Morris" Shane whispered in fear.

Mark wasn't sure what he meant, all he knew was that was a stage of decomposition. And that's exactly what was happening. Mark had been alive for hundreds of years. His body would surely be turned to dust by now, if he were human. And if he doesn't feel his immortality he will die.

Shane gulped yet again as he watched Marks expression change. What once was the face of a sore man, worn and tired quickly turned into a blank stare, one without a soul beneath the eyes.

And that's the last thing that Shane would ever see.

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