A few words fill the void for many

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Blue hair grew wet in the drizzling rain. The boys eyes gazed out into the forest as it grew damp with rain, as it did he.
Hands retreated into his pockets, his cold finger tips hiding from the chilly air.

Ethan's mind was content for the first time. He no longer had to worry about Tyler being violent. He didn't have to worry about him running away. He didn't have to worry if he'd ever get better.

It may have been a degrading gesture that Tyler had done. But that meant he was thinking somewhat clearly. Even if it was on a base level.

Whichever way you spin it. Ethan was just glad that his best friend was on the road to recovery,even if he was being helped by the very man who put him there.

" I like the rain" Dan's soft voice spoke.

Ethan looked over, through his glasses to see the vampire. A small shred of panic flew through him. Adrenaline always pumped through his veins when he saw a blood sucker. He simply blamed it on his hunting days, the few years he did them.

" It's calming somehow. I'm not sure, but I feel like if the sky is matching your mood, then everything is content" Dan continued.

Ethan didn't reply at all, he simply just looked back to the green trees. Huge brown trunks sprouting from the ground. Green shrubs and bushes lined the small paths as they waved though the trees. Each leaf dropped with water as drizzling rain began to grow heavier. The rain would soon come pelting down.

The blue haired boy looked up, sure enough, the sky did match his mood. The darkening clouds mirrored the worries that crept up on him. The same worries that had been few, been drizzling just as the rain. They too would soon come pelting down.

" Where is Tyler?" Ethan asked, his voice light as he spoke.

Dan didn't bother to turn to the boy. He simply gazed into the rain as he spoke.

" Inside, he went back in his cage, the door is still wide open though. I have Phil keeping watch" The taller one explained.

Ethan shuffled in his spot. His weight shifting from one foot to the other. His shoes making a scraping sound as they shifted over the concrete.

" Is it safe to leave Tyler with Phil?" The blue haired boy asked.

Dan nodded, a small smirk passing his lips, but only for a second. His gaze flickered to the ground.
" I don't think Tyler sees Phil as a threat. He wouldn't be violent toward him".

Ethan remained silent as he gave him a questioning stare. He wondered if Dan's words would hold true. Wouldn't a predictor go for the weakest link first?

" Don't give me that look. Phil is safe, if Tyler grows angry I don't think his first thought would be to attack a small pale boy".

Ethan nodded, his feet shuffling over the rocks again.
" When do you think he'll be better?".

The question loomed in the air. It held such a heavy responsibility. To be the one healing someone's life was a great task. It all weighted on Dan's shoulder. The vampire could feel it. The question had manifested itself into stale air, unloved by wind, sat on Dan's shoulders.

The taller boy took in a large breath, clearing his lungs and the nervous lump in his throat.

" There's no telling when. But at the rate he's going, I won't be surprised if he starts talking soon".

Ethan nodded, hiding a small smile behind his iron expression.

There was a chance he'd get to hear Tyler's voice again. Instead of mindless grunts and the occasional scream. He'd hear words, even if they were just stutters. He'd hear them.

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