6 Abandonment

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Felix sat on a couch. Focusing on the bare wooden coffee table in front of him. His chin resting on his hands.

" How the fuck are we gonna get Dan to Logan without him putting up a fight?" Felix asked, looking up to Jack.

Jack himself stood at the other side of the room. In a chair, slumped and looking out the window. The man played with the loose string off his shirt.

" I'll tell him too" Jack said with a deep monotone.

" He's gone down hill ever since..." Felix trailed off.
" He won't even listen to Phil anymore, I doubt he'll listen to you".

" He'll listen to him" Mark grumbled from across the room.

Felix's head turned to see Mark. But Sean didn't even make a move to pay attention to Mark.

" How are you so sure Mark?" Felix asked.

Mark glared at Sean for a few second, he adjusted his collar that still hadn't been removed.
" I know".
With that Mark almost stormed off into the hall that held the bedrooms.

Felix glanced at Jack who was still sitting in his chair. Ignoring the situation. The Swedish man stood from his seat and went after Mark.

Mark stormed off into what was his room when they all went hunting. It was bare and clean save for a bed. Seconds after Mark went to slam the door Felix came running in after.

" Mark, what's wrong man?" Felix questioned.

The blond man closed the door. Leaning on it in order to give Mark some space.

The older vampire ran his hands through his hair. He said nothing, only staring at the floor as he sat on his bed. His head in his hands.

" Mark, I'm not stupid, I can see the way you act. You flinch when Jack talks. You're quiet, withdrawn. I can see the damn shock collar around you neck Mark" Felix pressed on, his voice getting strong but more concerned.

Mark didn't say anything still. He remained starring at the floor. Silent tears running down his face.

" He took you downstairs didn't he?" Felix asked his voice growing smaller.
The Swedish man stepped forward, out from the door.
" You know what he's capable of. Yet you still followed him? Are you crazy?".

Mark stood suddenly.
" I asked him too!" He snapped.
" I knew how much it affected others! I knew god damn it! But I was sick and tired not knowing! What made Dan, Tyler like that? I had to know I wanted to help them. But I need to- to understand" Tears We're now falling feeling down Marks face.

Felix heart felt for the man. The Swedish boy had never been the one being controlled. So he could never truly understand. But he knew at least a little of what it was like.

Mark wiped the tears from his eyes.
" I've been through wars Felix. I've been through torture, I'm half German! I know what pain is! World War Two was fucking hell for me but-" the man took a deep breath.
" But I've never seen of felt like this after....I didn't even know that whatever this...this thing is. I didn't know it existed. I thought I would be able to take anything!" Mark felt his knees almost give out on him.
" I thought I'd be able to stand it" he cried.

Felix jumped forward and caught Mark as he fell. One vampire cling to the other as he cried. The Swedish man held Mark. Not knowing what else to do.

" What even is this Felix? I can't talk around him. I can't move. I can't do anything-".

" Without permission" Felix finished.
" Mark listen to me" He said.

Felix took Mark by the shoulders and held him at arm length. Each vampire looked in the others eyes.

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