Maybe its okay to just kill one person?

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Everyone recognised the voice, one that had plagued Jack ears especially.

Because of that Jack was the first to move, carelessly stepping over Felix, who was still sitting on the ground. He easily pushed past Bob who didn't even think to stop him. But Mark did.

" Jack wait!" Mark called after him, rushing into the house.

Bob and Amy made worried eye contact for a moment.

" I'll bring Felix inside, make sure they don't break anything" Bob suggested.

Amy wordlessly nodded and made her way inside, while Bob picked up the Swedish man who only whined at the touch. Bob sighed, he knew only too well that things were about to grow heated, he only hoped that both his new house and the people inside were okay by the end of today.

Jack stubbled towards the core of the noise, almost tripping over the steps leading to the living room. He used his hand to steady him on the white wall. The boys jaw nearly dropped at the sight before him.

Before Jack even had time to properly react Mark ran up after him, a similar reaction could be seen in Marks face.

" Oh my god" Mark whispered very so silently.

That was what made Jack snap out his mini day dream and pay attention to the situation. He stormed into the small but open living room, with sun light pouring through the windows.

The person sitting on the couch turned themselves to the commotion, their hands neatly folded in their lap and a sinister smile on their face.

" Seàn" The women spoke.

" Bitch" Seàn addressed.

The women's face quickly turned sour, rolling her eyes dramatically. Her smile then returned again, with the added bonus of crazy eyes, showing her true demeanour.

Amy walked straight into the tension in the room, feeling it's affects immediately. The girl froze, unsure what to do, but it seemed that no one was paying attention to her. Which made her feel better.

" That's no way to speak to your mother Seàn" The women spoke coldly.

Jack clenched his jaw as his mother straightened her hair on her shoulders perfectly. Her smile becoming more unnatural by the minute.

Jack stepped out more directly in front of the women, much like she was a tiger, but one missing a leg. Mark followed close behind, keeping his distance just as Amy was.

" I don't give a shit, why are you here?" He asked clearly, much like he was speaking to someone who was likely not to listen.

His mother painstakingly took the time to re-apply her lip gloss, doing so expertly without a mirror nearby. She popped her lips and then returned the beauty product into her cheap knock off bag at her side.

" You went missing, off course I had to find youuu" She said in her fake 'I care about you voice'.
" The last place I could find that you were was-".

" Not here" Jack interrupted.

" with these...people" She finished.

Jack was both confused and appalled. Confused because she said 'people', as in hunters? Or she plain didn't approve of them? Appalled because he had to look at her for more then one second.

" Why do you give a fuck about finding me? You never have before! You've left me for months for some guy across the country! So why do you give a shit now?" Jack shouted.

Mark stepped up next to Jack, he placed a hand on Jack's arm in an attempt to calm him. The human didn't seem to pay any attention to it, but didn't jerk his arm away from the touch.

The women stood abruptly and marched towards her son, heels clicking on the wooden floors loudly. She snarled once she was in his face, her hate radiating off of her.

" There's a man whom loves me very much, he's very rich and he wants a son. I found it very convenient that I had one ready to go" She whispered sharply.

Anger and disgust pooled in Marks chest with very word she said. He tenderly pushed Jack behind him protectively. His glare strengthening as he set his eyes on her.

" Jack is not your possession, he is your son" Mark argued.
The man glared into her eyes for a few seconds before speaking again.
" Leave now, or I'll make you".

The women's face turned up in disgust, clearly not know the danger before her. Jack watched with tired eyes as Mark glared his his birth mother. It was clear for Jack to see that she had no clue that she was up against a vampire.

Bob had casually walked in after putting Felix in the bathroom, the only room in the house with a locked door. The man had cuffed Felix to the bathrooms exposed pipe running from the sink to wall.

The second vampire stopped, a tinge of fear striking up his spine as he saw the glint in Mark's eyes. It didn't look good, one good shot and this women was dead.

Bob glanced over at the human Amy who was completely useless in this situation, he made sure she was at a safe distance and intervened. He half jogged up between the two pushing them back gently, of course Mark took much more force then the stick of a women.

" Back up you two" Bob ordered calmly.

Mark snarled like a dog before turning his back to the girl, grabbing Jack by his shirt roughly. He then proceeded to drag him towards the door.

" What are you doing with my son?" The women barked.

" Making sure he doesn't see your sorry face again" Mark yelled back.

Jack spluttered out mumbled protests as he was pulled towards the door. He grumbled about wanting to punch his mother, find out why she was really there and most of all, Why Bob and Amy let her in.

But some questions weren't made to be answered.

" What about my husband? He wants a little boy to play with!" The women poured like a child.

Mark froze, his fist clenched even more tightly around Jack's shirt sleeve. The room set in cold plastic as the reality of what that women said so casually set in. Mark led Jack out the door by his shirt, the boy stumbled over the dirt.

Mark still stood inside, his hand letting go of Jack, he didn't break eye contact with him as he contemplated on what to do. He wondered if he should just march over to her and snap her neck with one hand. But he had enough blood on his hands today.

" Bob" Mark addressed.
" Feed her to Felix".

With that Mark stormed out the door, slamming it so hard the glass panel inside it shattered on impact. Jack was taken up in one swoop in Marks arms and they ran off.

Jack held on tight, his arms around Marks neck and his core tight. His eyes didn't have time to scan over most of the forest around him, it was passing so fast.

" What are we going to do now?" Jack asked.

Mark huffed a little as he pumped his legs, his injuries still aching as he ran. He licked his sweating upper lip.

" We're going to do what I've wanted to for the last few days".

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