Chapter 2

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After the short encounter with Tom the train came to a stop. Your eyes widened in awe as they set upon the beautiful view of the castle, it was almost the opposite to beaux batons, the tall grey building seemed to radiate a sense of wonder and magic. You didn't realise how long you had been staring until you heard the calls of the prefects and teachers, ushering the students out the train. Pushing through the sea of kids, you caught the eye of Tom and decided to follow him, seeing that you were both in the same year.

"First year students follow me" You turned to your right and saw a tall, slightly old man with a long grey beard waving over, who you assumed to be, the first-year students to a lake, he caught your eye and gave you a small smile, almost as if he knew who you already were.

"Come on now, we don't have time, or the carriages will leave without us" You heard the distant voice of Tom and automatically knew he was referring to you.

You continued to push through the students, trying not to lose sight of Tom as frankly you were quite small and found it hard to see over the heads of everyone. You finally made it through to a clearing where you could see a teacher standing there with a checklist, ticking off the names of all the students that were here. Joining the queue, you unfortunately made it to the end, with only a couple of ten students behind you, those of which included tom and his other companions which you learnt were the other prefects.

"Hi you must be the new girl, I'm Sirius, and you are?" You heard a welcoming voice in your ear, causing you to turn and come face to face with a tall and handsome young boy with a mop of curly hair on his head.

"Oh hi, I'm (y/n), (y/n)(l/n)" you smile and stick your smaller hand out in front of you to shake.

He smiled at the gesture and shook it gently "Sirius Black" he said with a smile and kissed the back of your hand, not breaking his piercing but genuine gaze with you as you pulled your hand back to your side. "I heard the rumours on the train but I didn't think it was true. But dare I say I never could have imagined that someone could be this beautiful"

"I didn't realise there would be rumours about me already" you looked down and bit your lip nervously, a light blush rising to your cheeks at his words. You weren't one for attention, generally liking to keep to yourself which meant you had a very small small group of friends.

"Oh no, don't worry about it love, from what I've heard none of them have been a bad word against you" You looked up at him and smiled before he gestured for you to turn around as it was now your turn to be registered.

"(y/n) (l/n) sir, I'm the transfer from beaux batons" you smiled politely and helped him find your name on the list.

"Ah Miss (l/n), I was wondering when I was going to meet you, how's your father? I haven't seen him in forever since we both attended this school together" He said wholeheartedly as you looked up at him with a confused look on your face. "Oh, forgive me Miss (y/n), I'm professor Slughorn, Head of Slytherin house. Your father may or may not have mentioned me, but dare I say he talks about you a lot, his talented and beautiful daughter" he laughs.

"Oh yes! He said you had a word with Professor Dippet regarding my transfer, I must thank you sir, I've always wanted to attend Hogwarts." You smiled.

"Well its my pleasure young lady, now you get along now, hop on the next carriage that comes by, it will take you straight to the school" he patted your back and you wished him goodbye as he turned to Sirius.

"So, you know professor Slughorn" you heard Sirius say behind you as he came and stood next to you, waiting for the carriage.

"Well my father does, not me, from what he said I'm guessing they both went to school together" you shrugged and fixed your gaze forwards as you saw a carriage approaching, being pulled by two Thestrals.

The carriage came to a stop and Sirius and two of his other friends climbed in, however, your attention was fixed on the mysterious creatures that were pulling the carriage. You reached forward, stroking its head softly as it nuzzled its face into your hands.

"What kind of creatures are these" you said softly as you continued to caress its head.

"What are you talking about" you heard one of Sirius's friends say.

"(Y/N) there's nothing pulling the carriage" Sirius's deep voice rang in your ears as you forced your hand to stop.

You turned your head to see all three of them staring at you with a curious look on their face. You quickly retracted your hand before anyone else saw and quickly climbed onto the carriage, sitting opposite Sirius.

"(y/n) these are my friends James and Remus" he gestured towards them, you gave a small smile and wave before turning your attention back to the forest that surrounded you.

The carriage began to move slowly, pulling you down the path that lead towards the school, you gave one last glance behind you, absorbing the view of the trees in the moonlight and the last remaining students that were waiting for a carriage. You were about to turn around until you met the gaze of Tom, his brown eyes seemed to shine with fire and curiosity as he watched you descend further into the forest.


I know that Sirius, James and Remus do not attend Hogwarts at the same time as Tom, but I wanted to change things a little.

Don't hate me please 😊

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