Chapter 18

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"You don't think I'm crazy do you?" you asked, your soft voice barely coming out as a whisper as you stare into the fireplace in front of you.

It was almost midnight and you were currently in the room of requirement with Tom, your back lay against his chest as you both lay on the chase lounge in front of the fire.

"Why would I think that you're crazy?" he questioned, his fingers pausing momentarily as they played with a strand of your hair.

"You heard someone call my name right?" You turned in his lap "Earlier today at Diagon alley, before we went in that shop. You heard someone say my name" your eyes shined with desperation.

"Well yes but –"

"Then why didn't you mention it to Professor Dumbledore and Dippet?" you tilted your head to the side in confusion.

"You didn't mention it, so I thought I wouldn't either" his eyebrows furrowed as his brown eyes bore into yours.

"Yeah but you were dominating most of the conversation, I barely said a word" you retorted

"You cannot be serious (y/n)"

You sighed and placed your head in your hands, your hair forming a curtain around you as you sighed in frustration. You felt his hands push away your hair before taking yours and holding them in his.

"Look I'm sorry, I'm just being paranoid I guess, I didn't mean to have a go at you" you looked up at him through your thick lashes, his eyes softening slightly at your vulnerability.

"Don't apologise" he paused "If you still want to tell Professor Dippet then we can pay him a visit tomorrow"

You shook your head vigorously, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you leant forward, placing your head on his chest.

"I recognised their voice" you said in almost a whisper.


"I recognised their voice" you sat up and stared into his brown eyes. "It was my father"

His eyebrows raised momentarily before he regained his regular stoic expression.

"And you're a hundred percent sure?" he questioned.

"I may not see my father a lot" you paused "But I'd know his voice from a mile away, it was him, I'm sure of it"

He ran his hand over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose before continuing.

"Why would your father be in Diagon alley? At that specific time, while it was being attacked"

"Tom if I knew we wouldn't be having this conversation" he rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smirk from on his face at your retort. "Don't you remember what Olivander said? He mentioned my father was there recently, in need for a new wand or something like that" your eyebrows furrowed.

Your body visibly froze for a moment, your mind wandering to the howler you received a few days ago from your father, you had heard all the commotion and ruckus in the background as he talked in a hurried voice, almost as if he was desperate.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked, placing his finger under your chin and tilting your head up to his vision.

"N-nothing" you stuttered, shaking your head to discard the thought.

"(Y/n) tell me" he said sternly, his emotionless eyes boring into yours.

"I just remembered something that's all" You gave him a small smile "Nothing important"

"Is it to do with your father?" You didn't respond, you didn't know what to say. "You are a bad liar" he clicked his tongue "However if you do not wish to tell me, I will not pry" he sighed "But if it does concern your welfare then I would appreciate it if you told me" he muttered the last bit quietly, almost as if he didn't want you to hear.

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