Chapted 13

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The next morning was fairly normal, you woke up to the sound of Nancy blabbering in your ear about how she's going to try to impress Slughorn so she could be a part of Slugclub too. It was obvious she was slightly hurt, although she constantly seemed to deny it, she had been trying to get in the group ever since last year and the fact that Slughorn invited you almost instantly tore the girls dreams a little.

The three of you were sat at the Ravenclaw table eating breakfast, the hall was quite empty as you had come down fairly late, Professor Beery wasn't in again meaning that your first class today was cancelled.

"So where did you run off to then? Last night, after supper" Nancy said, taking a bite of her scrambled eggs. Her teeth scraped against the metal fork momentarily, making a shiver run down your spine at the sharp noise.

Last nights events filled your mind suddenly, bringing back a small tingle on your lips that hadn't seemed to have left.

"Oh, I had to see Professor Slughorn about something" you brought your fingers to your lips, glancing over Nancy's shoulders at the dark- haired boy seated across the hall, elbows rested against the table as his focus was on the book laid in front of him.

"Really? About what?" Andrew questioned with a frown.

"My father just wanted me to pass on a quick message, that's all" you gave a small smile

"You haven't even received a letter from your father ever since we started the year, how could he have passed you a message?" Nancy prodded, a suspicious look on her face as she stared over at your form.

"How would you know if my father had sent me a letter or not, the both of you didn't utter a word to me yesterday until the evening" you shot back, the annoyed look on your face quickly faltering as you saw both their expressions turn into ones of guilt. "Look I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying that it hurts a little that you'd accuse me of lying. And what I keep between my father and I stays between us" you say with a soft voice.

"Right, I'm sorry (y/n) we shouldn't have gotten in your business" she mutters.

The three of you returned back to your meal, eyes cast downwards as you ate in an uncomfortable silence. Luckily, the silence was cut short as loud 'squawking' filled the room. Ironically, you watched as four owls flew into the hall, smiling as your eyes landed on a familiar raven-coloured owl swoop past you, gracefully landing a small letter on the table. You smiled and gave a small wave as it perched on the window sill, looking back before taking off again.

You hadn't seen your Owl since the start of the year and you somewhat missed her. At home you had a room to yourself, meaning Rosetta would share the room with you in her cage, sometimes you'd even find yourself speaking to her, telling your thoughts as you stroked her soft feathers.

"Who's the letter from?" Andrew asked, chugging down a glass of pumpkin juice. His eyes widened momentarily as if he just remembered something "Sorry, I didn't mean to ask, just a habit..." he muttered under his breath

"It's fine, and it's a letter from my father" you laughed lightly.

You slid the letter off the table, looking at the back, you frowned slightly. You recognised your fathers handwriting, the messy but still somewhat elegant cursive writing familiar to you as you looked over the few words written on the back, realising it was in fact a howler.

Open somewhere private

Slipping the letter into your robe quickly you looked over Nancy's shoulder once again, scrunching your eyebrows faintly as Tom seemed to have left.

Unforgotten memories (Tom Riddle X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now