Chapter 3

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You stood outside the great Hall with Sirius and his friends, they seemed to be joking about some of the teaches and other students here, but you paid no attention to it. Your focus was fixed on the beauty of the school, your head tilted back as you tried to take in every little detail your (e/c) eyes came across. The vast number of portraits on the wall, moving and talking with the students, the ghosts wandering about and the general aura of the castle couldn't help but make you smile.

"What are you smiling about" you felt Sirius's warm breath against your ear as you looked up to see him leaning down next to you, with a goofy grin on his face.

"This school is just amazing" you say with a look of awe on your face.

"It is quite the sight isn't it?" he smiled and made a quick scan of the room before standing up straight and resting his arm on your shoulder.

You looked down at it and frowned, realising how short you were in comparison to his tall figure, you heard him chuckle and looked away with a small pout on your lips as you heard him 'aww' and remove his arm. You were about to say it was fine but the doors to the hall opened and all the students rushed in, sitting at their tables.

Unfortunately, on the carriage ride to the school, Sirius, James and Remus mentioned that they were in Gryffindor, which to your dismay meant that you could not sit with them in the great hall as you were sorted into Ravenclaw. They gave you a quick lecture on the history of the school and its four founders, you noticed that they particularly had grudge against the Slytherin house which they mentioned was because they were all stuck up and rude. You took this into account as you remembered your encounter with Tom on the train and realised he was dressed in the Slytherin uniform, the green and silver tie making it fairly obvious.

You took a seat at the Ravenclaw table, watching as the seats beside and opposite you filled up with other students. You gave a polite smile and a small 'hello' to them as they sat down and started introducing themselves.

"Wow so you transferred from beaux batons! I've always wanted to go there, it sounds so beautiful and fancy. I heard that the scenery there was to die for" the girl opposite you, who you learnt was a 6th year named Nancy, squealed.

"Well yeah it is beautiful but from what I've seen so far of Hogwarts, this is far better" you smiled.

"Wait so you're sixth year, right? That means were going to have the same classes! Did you receive your timetable yet?" she exclaimed as you pulled out the piece of paper from you robe and handed it to her.

You watched as her big brown eyes scanned over the paper rapidly, her dainty finger pushing up her glasses as a big grin spread across her face.

"You have the same classes as Andy and I, we're going to be the best of friends, I can feel it already" she giggled.

"Andy, who's Andy?" you said softly as you tilted your head to the side.

"HEY ANDY, OVER HERE!" you winced slightly as her somewhat squeaky voice rung through your ears.

You looked to your right and saw a tall boy with shaggy brown hair and blue eyes smile and walk over, rolling his eyes at his over excited friend and currently sat across from you. You watched as he walked over, some of the girls calling out to him of which he just returned with a polite smile and wave, you giggled to yourself as you could see how awkward he was with attention.

"Hey Nancy, I missed you" he smiled and gave her a big hug, engulfing her smaller figure.

"I missed you too Andy and look this is (y/n), she's the new transfer student from Beaux Batons." You stuck your hand out which he shook politely.

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