Chapter 16

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It had been almost a week since that night at the astronomy tower and you and Tom had not said a word to each other since. It pained you to say but you missed him, and it hurt as he barely acknowledged your presence, you would watch as he purposely avoided eye contact, purposely showed up late and leaving early to potions as coincidentally his seat was right next to yours.

However, the week had gone by fairly quick, as it was already Friday and fortunately for you, Friday's were your favourite as not only was it almost the weekend, but you also only had three classes today : DADA, arithmancy and charms.

You stood outside the classroom, waiting for Nancy to exit as you were both going to visit Andrew in the hospital wing for the next hour. As sensible as he his, he could be truly idiotic sometimes. He had recovered from his fever and was able to leave the infirmary on Monday, with just a broken wrist to recover from. However, as the boy had become fairly good friends with Sirius, James and Remus, they all thought it was a good idea to steal some of the spare broomsticks during a free period and go racing around the castle. Clearly it didn't go so well as Andrew had managed to yet again fall off his broomstick and land on the courtyard, ending up with a broken leg and a minor injury to his head.

"Sorry I took long, James wasn't giving me back my text book" she huffed, stuffing the last bit of stationary into her bag.

"It's alright, we should get going though before the corridors get crowded" she nodded and you both started weaving your way through the growing number of students.

You finally made it to the other side of the school, it took longer than expected as Nancy had managed to drop her quill and ink all over the floor as she had forgotten to secure the latch on her bag. You pushed open the doors of the infirmary and smiled instantly as Andrew waved you over with a big grin on his face.

"I'm going to see if I can try get some of this ink off me, tell Andy I'll only be a second" she huffed and trudged her way over to the sink.

Shaking your head, you made your way over to Andrew, taking a seat at the end of his bed.

"So how are you holding up then?" you giggled, looking down at your name scribbled across his leg. He had gotten practically everyone on the quidditch team to sign his cast, including you, it was amazing to see how much joy someone could have out of a broken bone.

"I've been feeling great, I tried asking the nurse to let me go early but she said I'll be in here for a couple of days, she doesn't want to risk this happening again" he chuckled. "What's up with her?" he looked over at Nancy with an amused look on his face as she tried scrubbing the ink off her robe with some wet tissue.

"She managed to spill her ink all over the floor, down the corridor where charms is, It went all over her robe" you laughed at her frustration.

"Damn I wish I could've seen that" he smiled and focused his attention back on you. "How have you been though? you don't look as happy as usual" he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I've been alright, just been missing you that's all" you lied through your teeth, giving a small punch to his arm.

To be fair, you weren't completely lying, you had missed the boy, but he wasn't the reason why you had been so down lately.

"Don't worry, I'll be out of here soon" he winked. "Oh look who finally decided to come and say hello" he joked, looking past you to see an annoyed looking Nancy.

You couldn't help but laugh at her appearance, her robe and become all winkled and decorated with bits of tissue due to her harsh scrubbing.

"Nancy, you can barely see the ink anyway, the robes are dark enough to hide it for the rest of the day" you watched with a smile as she came and sat next to you, on the other side of Andrew.

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